18-5-010: Permit Holder Supervision And Inspection
18-5-020: City Inspections
18-5-030: Additional Inspections Or Testing
18-5-040: Inspection Requests
18-5-050: Duty To Keep Work Accessible And Exposed
18-5-060: Entry Onto Premises
18-5-070: Certification Or Approval
18-5-080: Transfer Of Responsibility For Certification
18-5-090: Final Inspection
18-5-100: Building Permits
18-5-110: Validity Of Inspection
The land disturbance permit holder shall provide, at the permit holder's sole cost and expense, all required supervision, inspection and safety precautions before, during and after all land disturbance activities in accordance with the land disturbance design and construction standards and other applicable city ordinances, rules, regulations, standards and specifications regarding such activities. The land disturbance permit holder shall be required, at the permit holder's sole cost and expense, to design, inspect and certify all land disturbance activities at such intervals and in accordance with such design, inspection and certification standards and requirements provided in the land disturbance design and construction standards and other applicable city ordinances, rules, regulations, standards and specifications. Certain land disturbance activities may require continuous or constant inspection and supervision by a civil engineer or other authorized inspector, as a condition of the land disturbance permit or when deemed necessary by the city engineer, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this title and the land disturbance design and construction standards. (Ord. 419, 6-5-2001)
In addition to permit holder inspections and certifications, all land disturbance activities shall be subject to city inspection as specified and required in the land disturbance design and construction standards, the hillside overlay ordinance, and other applicable city ordinances, rules, regulations, standards and specifications. The city may also make or require other inspections of land disturbance activities to ascertain compliance of such work with the land disturbance permit and applicable city ordinances, rules, regulations, standards and specifications, when deemed necessary by the city engineer, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this title and the land disturbance design and construction standards. (Ord. 419, 6-5-2001)
The city engineer may require additional inspections and/or testing of land disturbance activities by an approved testing agency when deemed necessary by the city engineer in accordance with the terms and conditions of this title and the land disturbance design and construction standards. Any such additional inspections and/or testing shall be at the permit holder's expense. (Ord. 419, 6-5-2001)