Issued to:                                                            Date Issued:                                                         
   I acknowledge receipt of one (1) dongle.
   I understand that this dongle is only for my use and agree that it will not be transferred to, nor allowed to be used by, any other person.
   I understand that I am liable for the replacement cost if the dongle is lost or damaged. I will notify DeWitt County immediately if the dongle is lost, or any damage happens to the dongle which renders it inoperable. I will not mark or deface the dongle in any way.
   This dongle is the property of DeWitt County, and will be returned on or before resignation, termination or at the request of DeWitt County.
   Received by:                                                                 Date Received:                                                   
   Date Surrendered:                              Reason:                                                                                           
(Res. 23-16, passed 12-21-2023)