   31.01   Magistrate's Court
Boards, Commission and Citizen Committees
   31.15   General provisions
   31.16   Organization and conduct
   31.17   Appointments
   31.18   Vacancy of office
   31.19   Board, commission, and Citizen Committee duty of loyalty to the Town Council
   31.20   [Reserved]
   31.21   Planning and Zoning Advisory Commission
   31.22   Board of Adjustment
   31.23   [Reserved]
   31.24   [Reserved]
   31.25   [Reserved]
   31.26   Open Space and Trails Committee
   (A)   Effective July 1, 2005, the town shall be responsible for the provision of court services within the jurisdictional limits of the town.
   (B)   Therefore, and so as to be ready to meet the obligations and responsibilities as stated in division (A) above, the Town Council of the town hereby authorizes the creation of the Dewey-Humboldt Magistrate's Court.
   (C)   This court shall be so established as to exercise any and all judicial activities regularly undertaken by such courts and incident thereto.
(Ord. 05-07, passed 3-15-2005)
   Town Magistrate, powers and duties, see § 30.032
   (A)   This section is intended to describe the function of boards, commissions, and committees (each a "Citizen Committee") other than Council Member Committees (see § 30.019). These general rules apply unless the motion, resolution, or ordinance creating the board, commission, or committee explicitly provides otherwise.
   (B)   The town ordinance authorizes the Town Council to establish additional advisory boards, commissions, and Citizen Committees to assist the Council in its policy decisions. The Town Council has the inherent power to create Citizen Committees.
   (C)   Town boards, commissions, and Citizen Committees do not set or establish town policy or administrative direction to town staff.
   (D)   Appointments to boards, commissions, and Citizen Committees are made by motion of the Council after the review and consideration of any applicants.
   (E)   The terms BOARD and COMMISSION may be used interchangeably. Boards and commissions typically have broader policy and advisory responsibilities than Citizen Committees, which typically have much more focused advisory roles to the Council.
(Ord. 09-49, passed 4-7-2009)
   (A)   There are two classes of official town Citizen Committees: ad hoc and standing Citizen Committees.
      AD HOC CITIZEN COMMITTEES. Formed by motion or resolution of the Council, having the composition, responsibilities, and schedule adopted by Council on motion or resolution. Such AD HOC CITIZEN COMMITTEES are only appropriate for addressing matters having a short duration or specific project focus, and will automatically terminate as defined in their commissioning documents (or when the work is complete, if no time is stated) without further Council action, unless extended by Council.
      STANDING CITIZEN COMMITTEES. Formed by ordinance of the Council amending this document, having the composition, by-laws, and responsibilities adopted by Council in such ordinance. STANDING CITIZEN COMMITTEES are only appropriate for addressing matters having a continuing duration or recurring project focus, and will terminate only upon Council action.
   (B)   Each board, commission, or Citizen Committee must elect one of its members to serve as the presiding officer or chair at the first meeting of an ad hoc Citizen Committee, or on the first meeting of the year for a board, commission, or standing Citizen Committee.
   (C)   Boards, commissions, and Citizen Committees shall hold regular and special meetings as may be required. The conduct of board, commission, and Citizen Committee meetings are governed by the same rules of policy and procedure as the Town Council specifically including the requirements to have the Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence at each meeting as set forth in Dewey-Humboldt Town Code § 30.105(D)(1).
   (D)   Boards, Commissions, and Citizen Committees should comply with all applicable open meeting and conflict-of-interest laws of Arizona.
   (E)   Board, commission, and Citizen Committee members are expected to adhere to the Town Council’s Code of Ethics.
(Ord. 09-49, passed 4-7-2009; Am. Ord. 21-172, passed 9-21-2021)
   (A)   All voting members of town boards, commissions, or Citizen Committees shall be appointed by Council action (by motion or resolution) and shall serve at the pleasure of the Town Council.
   (B)   The motion, ordinance, or resolution establishing boards, commissions, or Citizen Committees shall include the number of members, the purpose for which the board, commission, or Citizen Committee is organized, and the duties thereof.
   (C)   Except the members of the ad hoc Steering Committee formed as part of the public participation plan for any update of the town's general plan, members of town boards and commissions shall be residents of the town. Up to 25% of the members of the ad hoc Steering Committee formed as part of the public participation plan may be voting members of the General Plan Steering Committee even if non-residents of the town as long as, while serving as a member of the General Plan Steering Committee, they are owners of commercial facilities conducting a commercial enterprise within the town limits. On all citizen committees or boards other than the General Plan Steering Committee, non-residents may be members of citizen committees but are non-voting members.
   (D)   All appointees should bring the skill, integrity, knowledge, interest and commitment to evaluating issues in the broad context of the public interest. To the extent possible, appointees should be selected to represent a broad cross-section of the community relative to the purpose of the agency.
   (E)   Appointees may serve an unlimited number of consecutive terms on a given board, commission or Citizen Committee (except where specifically limited), at the discretion of the Town Council.
   (F)   The Town Clerk shall provide application forms and maintain a composite listing of all applications on file which have been received. Applications shall be retained for one year.
(Ord. 09-49, passed 4-7-2009; Am. Ord. 16-127, passed 4-5-2016; Am. Ord. 17-135, passed 6-20-2017; Am. Ord. 21-163, passed 5-4-2021)