(A)   The Open Space and Trails Committee (OSAT) shall be a standing committee comprised of five executive members and any number of associate members. Executive members are responsible to vote on matters before the OSAT and constitute a quorum, but all members (associate and executive) have a right to prepare items for the agenda. Executive members must be residents of the town, are appointed by the Council, and serve two-year terms; while associate members are appointed by the executive members (subject to Council veto), need not be residents, and may serve for an indefinite duration. OSAT members are subject to reappointment without limit. The OSAT may set its own meeting schedule, but meetings will be held at least quarterly or at the request of Council. The OSAT may adopt its own rules of procedure, but such rules must include Robert's Rules of Order and shall observe Arizona Open Meeting law. The Committee may receive direction and assistance from staff through Council. The OSAT has the duty to diligently provide volunteer services to the town and its citizens by interacting with the community, other similar area committees and agencies to further the implementation of the Dewey-Humboldt Open Space and Trails Master Plan. The OSAT shall compile findings and contact reports associated with its activities and report on a quarterly basis to Council.
   (B)   In its duties should the OSAT Committee plan any trail, refuge area, or other related facility within the vicinity of Chaparral Gulch, Council suggests that a facility be named in memory of the tragic passing of Emmett Trapp on August 4, 2010.
(Ord. 10-75, passed 10-5-2010)