The Planning and Zoning Advisory Commission (the “P&Z Commission”) shall be formed of nine members, all of whom must be residents of the town. Each member will be appointed to a four-year term, unless filling a vacancy appointment (in which case the term is the balance of the term of the person replaced). The P&Z Commission may set its own meeting schedule, but meetings will be held at least quarterly, or at the request of the Mayor, a Councilmember, or an applicant. The P&Z Commission may adopt its own rules of procedure, but the rules must include Robert’s Rules of Order. The P&Z Commission has the duty to diligently perform all the duties allocated to the P&Z Commission by Arizona law or town ordinance.
(Ord. 09-49, passed 4-7-2009; Am. Ord. 21-167, passed 6-15-2021)