36.01 Organization
36.11 Parking Near Fire Scene Prohibited
36.02 Appointment of Fire Chief
36.12 Interference with Firefighters
36.03 Appointment of Officers
36.13 Use of Fire Equipment
36.04 Duties of Fire Department
36.14 Damage to Fire Equipment
36.05 Supervision of Fire Department
36.15 PlaceNameplaceCalls PlaceNameOutside PlaceTypeCity Limits
36.06 Obedience to Commanding Officers
36.16 Annual Reports
36.07 Supervision of Equipment
36.17 Inspections
36.08 Record Keeping
36.18 Code Enforcement and Building Inspection Employees
36.09 Authority at Fires and Emergency Scenes
36.19 Other Duties
36.10 Yielding Right-of-Way