These guidelines and review criteria must be used by the Infill Development Review Board in considering all applications for design review:
   A.   Whether the proposal respects the character of the neighborhood or business district, reinforcing its identity through design that is sympathetic to the architectural context of the surrounding area in terms of massing, form, materials, texture, scale and architectural treatment;
   B.   Whether the front building elevations (facing the street) and the overall massing of the building emphasize human scale and the pedestrian environment;
   C.   Whether the proposed building has been designed to form part of a larger composition of the surrounding area by being of similar scale, height, architectural treatment, and orientation;
   D.   Whether building silhouettes (scale and pitch of rooflines) are consistent with the context created by nearby buildings;
   E.   Whether the proportion of windows, bays, and doorways is consistent with the context created by nearby buildings;
   F.   Whether the proposed development uses lighting and related structures as an integrated element in landscaping, architectural treatment, and pedestrian environment.
(Ord. 2022-3, passed 3-15-22)