General Provisions
51.01 Restricting drainage ditches
51.02 Connection available with deposit fee upon certification of need
Installation and Connection of Water Lines
51.10 Responsibilities and liabilities of county
51.11 Responsibilities and liabilities of consumers
51.12 Prohibited connections; inspection of property
51.13 Unauthorized connections to water systems
51.14 Introduction of prohibited water or substances into system
Water Services
51.20 Classification of services
51.21 Application for service
51.22 Discontinuation of service; changes in occupancy
51.23 Suspension of service
51.24 Complaints and adjustments
51.25 Promises or agreements not binding for service
51.35 Procedure for extensions to undeveloped subdivisions
51.36 Extensions within county’s service areas
51.37 Extensions of transmission mains
Fees and Charges
51.45 Deposit for water service
51.46 Initial or minimum charge; water to be used only on lot for which required
51.47 Application fees for service
51.48 Rate schedule
51.49 Surcharge
51.60 Access of county to consumer’s premises
51.61 Modifications of rates, rules or regulations
Wells, see Ch. 154