Sec. 50-95 shall not apply to:
(a) merchandise ordered pursuant to an open-end credit plan as defined in the Federal Consumer Credit Protection Act or any other credit plan pursuant to which the consumer’s account was opened prior to the mail order in question, and under which the creditor may permit the customer to make purchases from time to time from the creditor or by use of a credit card; or
(b) when all advertising for the merchandise contains a notice (which, in the case of printed advertising, shall be in a type size at least as large as the price) that a delay may be expected of a specified period. In such case, one of the events described in Section 50-95(a)(1) through (a)(4) must occur no later than one week after expiration of the period specified in the advertisement; or
(c) merchandise, such as quarterly magazines, which by their nature are not produced until a future date and for that reason cannot be stocked at the time of order; or
(d) installments other than the first, of merchandise, such as magazine subscriptions, ordered for serial delivery. (Ord. 13795)