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Sec. 48-1.   Park board - Authority to regulate planting, cutting, etc.
Sec. 48-2.   Same - Appointment and qualifications of city forester.
Sec. 48-3.   Duty to encourage planting of trees; pecuniary interest in marketing trees.
Sec. 48-4.   Permits required for planting, trimming, spraying, etc.
Sec. 48-5.   Injuring trees.
Sec. 48-6.   Interfering with work of park board.
Sec. 48-7.   Protection of trees in case of erection or repair of buildings.
Sec. 48-8.   Removal of electric wires to permit pruning, etc.
Sec. 48-9.   Injuring trees, shrubs or plants on another’s property.
Sec. 48-10.   Discharge of oil, brine or substance likely to injure grass, shrubs or trees.
Sec. 48-11.   Duty to remove dead, diseased, and damaged trees from parkway.