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   (a)   The general manager and the city attorney are authorized to investigate, settle, and recommend disposition of claims for damage or injury which are alleged to have resulted from the negligent act or omission of an employee of the transit system. For the payment of these claims, the city controller shall establish a Dallas transit system claim fund. This fund shall be used only for the payment of settled claims.
   (b)   Checks drawn on this fund with preprinted signatures of the city manager and the city controller, but requiring additional signatures for payment, shall be issued to the general manager. These checks may be used to pay settled claims without further city approvals as follows:
      (1)   Claims investigators designated by the general manager are authorized to sign checks for the payment of claims that are settled for an amount that does not exceed $1,000.
      (2)   The general manager and the director of claims are authorized to sign checks for the payment of claims that are settled for an amount that is more than $1,000 but does not exceed $5,000, both signatures being required on each check.
   (c)   The city controller shall periodically audit the fund to determine whether it is in balance and may establish procedures for use of the fund.
   (d)   The general manager shall prepare a monthly report giving a complete analysis of all claim activities. (Ord. 18515)