Appearance bond forms, approved by any municipal judge, shall be printed and retained in the office of the city jail, available without charge for use of anyone desiring to submit an appearance bond and being released from jail pending his appearance in the municipal court of record. Appearance bond forms shall also be retained in the office of the municipal clerk, available without charge for use of anyone desiring to submit an appearance bond in order to have an alias case redocketed for trial. Each form of bond must be filled out showing the signature of the official before whom the bond is executed, the face amount of the bond, the names and addresses of the principal and sureties, and the date. Any other bond approved by a municipal judge, or pursuant to any order by a municipal judge complying with state law, may be accepted in lieu of bonds printed on the approved form provided for in this section. (Code 1941, Art. 28-6; Ord. Nos. 8215; 19802)