(a) The following areas of city hall are permanently closed to the public:
(1) Police and fire dispatch center on the L1 basement level in module A North.
(2) The water utilities accounting area on the first floor in module A North.
(3) The tax accounting area on the second floor in module D South.
(4) Information services computer room and tape library on the third floor in modules B, C, and D South.
(5) The city attorney’s copy center, record storage room, and word processing center on the seventh floor in module C North.
(6) The building mechanical room on the seventh floor South.
(7) The building mechanical room on the eighth floor.
(8) The electrical, mechanical, and telephone closets throughout the building.
(9) The municipal archives and records center operated by the city secretary on the L2 basement level in module D North.
(b) The following areas of the municipal building and police and courts building are permanently closed to the public:
(1) The sub-basements of the municipal building and police and courts building;
(2) The employee working areas of the fines and docket record room on the first floor of the municipal building;
(3) The city jail on the fourth and fifth floors of the police and courts building;
(4) Penthouse and elevator machine room on the fifth floor of the municipal building;
(5) The police locker room in the police and courts building;
(6) The record and identification sections of the police department in the basement of the police and courts building.
(c) The areas listed in Subsections (a) and (b) are not closed to an officer or employee of the city engaged in the performance of his official duties who complies with procedures set forth in official administrative directives and regulations regarding security. (Ord. Nos. 16157; 19312; 20211)