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   (a)   An owner of a ferret commits an offense if:
      (1)   the ferret is not currently vaccinated; or
      (2)   the owner fails to show a current certificate of vaccination and rabies tag for the ferret upon request by the director or a peace officer.
   (b)   It is a defense to prosecution under Subsection (a) that the ferret is:
      (1)   under four months of age; or
      (2)   unable to be vaccinated due to health reasons as verified by a licensed veterinarian.
   (c)   A licensed veterinarian who vaccinates a ferret for rabies shall issue to the owner of the ferret a current rabies tag and a certificate of vaccination and send a copy of the certificate of vaccination to the director by the 10th day of the month following the month in which the ferret was vaccinated. The certificate of vaccination must contain the following information:
      (1)   name, address, and telephone number of the owner;
      (2)   animal identification, including species, sex, age, size (pounds), predominant breed, and color;
      (3)   vaccine used, producer, expiration date, and serial number;
      (4)   date vaccinated and expiration date of the certificate of vaccination;
      (5)   rabies tag number; and
      (6)   veterinarian’s signature and license number. (Ord. 26024)