8-1-1: Outside Stairways And Street Openings
8-1-2: Merchandise, Signs, Awnings Or Obstructions
8-1-3: Removal Of Snow And Ice From Adjacent Sidewalks
8-1-4: Repair Of Dangerous Or Impassable Sidewalks
8-1-5: Encroachments
8-1-6: Location Of Telephone And Electric Light Poles
8-1-7: Roller Skates, Skateboards And Sleds On Public Ways
8-1-8: Tractor Engines Crossing Cement Crosswalks
8-1-9: Penalty
   A.   Permit Required; Application:
      1.   No outside stairways fronting on the streets or alleys of the city and no openings in sidewalks of any kind whatsoever shall be constructed or placed within any of the streets, alleys or sidewalks of the city without a permit therefor having been first duly granted by the city council.
      2.   Any person wishing to construct any such outside stairways or openings shall present a written application for a permit to the city council setting forth therein a complete description of the stairway or opening desired, the type and kind of construction and the place or places where the same is to be constructed. (Ord. 13.20)
   B.   Railings And Coverings: All outside stairways shall be provided with metallic railings and gates in accordance with the requirements of the city engineer, the street commissioner, or the city superintendent, and all openings in the streets and alleys or sidewalks shall be provided with a substantial iron covering and shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the street commissioner, city engineer or city superintendent.
   C.   Extension From Property Line: No outside stairway or opening in any sidewalks in the city or in any streets or alleys thereof shall extend outward more than three feet (3') from the property line. (Ord. 13.20; amd. Ord. 2.32)
   A.   Permit Required; Application:
      1.   No person, firm, corporation or association shall deposit, store, keep or place upon or over the sidewalks, streets or alleys of the city any goods, wares, merchandise, signs, awnings or obstructions of any kind whatsoever without first obtaining a permit therefor from the city council.
      2.   All applicants for such a permit shall petition the council in writing, minutely describing the article or thing sought to be placed upon or over said streets, sidewalks or alleys and the manner of placing the same, and all obstructions so placed in accordance with any permit granted shall be placed upon the direction and to the satisfaction of the city engineer, street commissioner or city superintendent.
   B.   Order Repair Or Removal Of Dangerous Obstructions, Articles:
      1.   Any obstructions, articles or things on, over or above the streets, sidewalks or alleys of the city which may become dangerous or unsafe may be ordered removed by the city engineer, street commissioner or city superintendent by giving notice thereof to the owner, agent of an owner, or tenant maintaining the same.
      2.   In the event the same is not repaired or removed within twenty four (24) hours after receiving such order, the said owner, agent or tenant shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to penalty as provided in section 1-4-1 of this code, and the city engineer or city superintendent shall remove or repair said obstructions, articles or things. (Ord. 13.20; amd. Ord. 2.32; 2006 Code)
   C.   Display Of Merchandise Prohibited: Each separate article of merchandise that is displayed upon the sidewalk shall constitute a separate offense and each period of twenty four (24) hours beginning at one minute after six o'clock (6:01) A.M. and ending at six o'clock (6:00) A.M. the following day shall constitute a separate offense. (Ord. 13.32; amd. 2006 Code)
   D.   Loading Or Unloading Merchandise Upon Or Across Sidewalks:
      1.   Prohibition: It shall be unlawful for any person to load or unload any goods, wares or merchandise of any kind upon or across the sidewalks of the city, or to stand such goods, wares or merchandise upon the sidewalks while waiting to be loaded or unloaded to or from the premises fronting the sidewalk.
      2.   Exceptions; Permit Required:
         a.   Whenever new equipment, furniture or fixtures are being installed in any store or place of business which cannot conveniently be moved in or out of such store or place of business from the back door and the alley, an application for a permit for such loading or unloading shall be made to the chief of police, and the application shall specify the approximate time during which the use of sidewalks by pedestrians shall be obstructed. The chief of police may grant such permit if he believes the application to be reasonable and necessary.
         b.   Whenever supplies are to be delivered to a store or place of business, other than merchandise to be displayed for sale, and the arrangement and the construction of the premises make it very difficult or impossible to deliver such supplies through the rear door of the place of business, an application to load and unload and carry such supplies upon or across the sidewalks shall be made to the chief of police; and the application shall specify the approximate length of time during which the use of the sidewalk by pedestrians will be obstructed. The chief of police may grant such application whenever he believes the application to be reasonable and necessary.
      3.   Moving Household Goods: This section shall not be construed so as to make it unlawful to load or unload household goods or carry household goods upon or across public sidewalks when being moved into or out of premises being, or to be used, for residential purposes. (Ord. 13.36; amd. 2006 Code)
   A.   Removal Required: It shall be the duty of the owner and tenant of any premises within the limits of the city to keep the sidewalk in front of and adjoining his premises free and safe for pedestrians and, with all possible dispatch, to remove snow, ice, slush, mud and other impediments to safe and convenient foot travel, and prevent the continuance and accumulation of the same upon such sidewalk.
   B.   Dumping In Streets Restricted: In no case in the business districts of the city shall the snow, ice, slush, mud and other material removed from such sidewalks be dumped or deposited within the adjoining streets, avenues or alleys within two feet (2') of the curb line.
   C.   Time Limit For Removal: Sidewalks shall in all cases be freed from the night accumulation of snow, water or slush, mud or other like impediments before nine o'clock (9:00) on the following morning. (Ord. 13.20)
   D.   Dangerous Conditions: When, from freezing snow, water or slush thereon or by reason of the smoothness resulting from the wear of foot travel or from any cause whatsoever, sidewalks are rendered dangerous, unsafe, or difficult to the free passage of pedestrians, it shall be the duty of the aforesaid owners and tenants of the premises in front of which said sidewalks have been constructed to sprinkle sand or ashes on said sidewalk; and in cases of permanent polish or smoothness as aforesaid, the owners shall remove the same in accordance with the directions of the street commissioner, city engineer or city superintendent. (Ord. 13.20; amd. Ord. 2.32)