1.   Fiscal year of the city.
   2.   When budget to be submitted to City Council by city manager.
   3.   City manager's budget message.
   4.   Budget to be financial plan; city manager to organize; budget categories.
   5.   City manager to submit to City Council a five year capital improvement plan; content.
   6.   Budget process - notice and hearing, amendment before adoption, adoption.
   7.   Capital program process - notice and hearing, adoption.
   8.   Budget and capital program to be public record.
   9.   Appropriations - supplemental, emergency, reduction, transfer, limitations.
   10.   When appropriations lapse.
   11.   Work programs and allotments; when payment and obligations prohibited.
   12.   Audit of books and accounts of city.
Editor's note:
   Priv. Acts 1972, ch. 416, sec. 14 deleted in its entirety, Article XV, titled Budget and Appropriations and replaced it with a new Article XV by the same title. Priv. Acts 2014, ch. 55, sec. 1 deleted in its entirety Article XV, titled Budget and Appropriations, and replaced it with a new Article XV by the same title.