Fire Department
141.01   Fire Chief.
141.02   Age requirements.
141.03   Composition.
141.04   Volunteer firemen.
141.05   Fire inspections.
141.06   Training.
141.07   Work schedule; fringes.
141.08   Emergency rescue and ambulance fees.
141.09   Assistant Chief.
Volunteer Firemen's Dependents Fund - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 146
Schooling, buildings and equipment - see Ohio R.C. 715.05, 737.23 et seq.
Composition - see Ohio R.C. 715.05, 737.21 et seq.
General duties - see Ohio R.C. 737.11
Regulations and hours - see Ohio R.C. 737.21
141.01 FIRE CHIEF.
   (a)   The Fire Chief shall be the head of the Fire Department and he shall be responsible to the Mayor and Council for the management, control and operation of such Fire Department.
   (b)   The Fire Chief shall file quarterly with the Mayor and Council a written report of the activities of such Department, together with any recommendations for the more efficient operation or control of such Department.
   (c)   The Fire Chief shall devote the maximum number of hours each week to such position as are allowed by law. He shall not have any outside activities or employment which in any way conflicts with or prevents him from efficiently operating such Department.
(Ord. 264. Passed 9-4-56.)
   Persons between the ages of twenty-one and forty-eight, inclusive, may receive an original appointment to the Fire Department. (Ord. 2220. Passed 8-19-96.)
   The Fire Department may have the following maximum authorized personnel:
   (a)   One Chief;
   (b)   One Assistant Chief;
   (c)   Two Captains;
   (d)   Eight Firemen;
   (e)   Three full-time standby Firemen;
   (f)   Four extra Firemen.
   (g)   Eight part-time fire/EMS personnel.
      (Ord. 2685. Passed 12-12-05.)
   The Chief of the Fire Department with the approval of the Safety-Service Director, shall appoint at least six or as many more as Council shall authorize, men of the Municipality who shall act as volunteer firemen, subject to the call of the fire alarm. Such names will be filed with the Clerk of Council.
(Ord. 231. Passed 3-1-54.)
   (a)   The Chief of the Fire Department shall provide for and make at least semi-annual inspections of all public buildings, business houses, factories and any other buildings he deems necessary and he shall make a report in writing to Council of his findings and recommendations.
   (b)   Any time there is a finding made by the Fire Department against any property in the Municipality a State Certified Inspector shall immediately notify the owner of the property of such finding in writing. A copy of such finding shall be filed with the Clerk of Council. In such notice the Inspector shall give the property owned sufficient time to correct such defect or hazard, and if not done within the time set by the Inspector, he shall cause the premises to be closed to the public until such defect or hazard is remedied. Any person, persons or company failing to comply with such order of the Inspector shall be guilty of a minor misdemeanor each day the hazard is permitted to continue.
141.06 TRAINING.
   All full-time Firemen must have satisfactorily completed the training school required by the Statutes of Ohio within the first year of service, and deemed capable of performing duties as defined in the U.S. Department of Labor’s occupational characteristics, for a Fireman as determined by Physician’s Report for Minimum Medical Testing Under House Bill 648.
(Ord. 2449. Passed 12-18-00.)