1044.01 Purpose.
1044.02 Governing regulations.
1044.03 Definitions.
1044.04 Application for water or sewer service.
1044.05 Connection to the water system.
1044.06 Owner to bear cost and to be responsible for service line.
1044.07 Water connection tap.
1044.08 Water meter; installation.
1044.09 Temporary water service.
1044.10 Inspection.
1044.11 Repair of service lines.
1044.12 Water service charges.
1044.13 Bill and payment for services; remedies for non-payment.
1044.14 Termination of service for delinquent accounts miscellaneous fees and charges.
1044.15 Water service to village residents.
1044.16 Water service to non-village residents.
1044.17 Requirements of new connections outside village limits by developers.
1044.18 Requirements of new connections outside village limits by private property owners.
1044.99 Penalty.
Power to provide and regulate water systems - see Ohio R.C. 715.08, 717.01, 743.01
Water pollution - see Ohio R.C. 715.08, 743.24
Compulsory water connections - see Ohio R.C. 729.06, 743.23