(a) (1) All costs and expenses incident to the installation and connection of service lines shall be borne by the owner of the property being connected to the village system.
(2) The owner shall indemnify the village from any loss or damage that may directly or indirectly be occasioned by the installation of any service line.
(b) (1) The customer shall be responsible for all leaks or blockage in a service line and shall, at his or her expense, construct, maintain and keep it in good repair.
(2) When leaks or other defects in a service line are discovered, the village may disconnect the service line.
(3) Except in cases of real emergency, however, the village shall give the customer notice of such difficulty and shall allow the customer reasonable time in which to have repairs made or other maintenance work accomplished.
(Ord. 2100.06, passed 8-27-1984)