(a)   (1)   A private property owner who is not a developer of any land outside the municipal corporation limits who is desirous of connecting to the existing sanitary sewer and/or storm sewer or to be connected to the existing water lines of the village water system shall, prior to such connection, be required to sign an agreement with the village under the terms of which the property owner as well as his or her heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns shall be obligated to consent and agree to sign any and all petitions, forms, or other documents necessary or in conjunction with annexation presented to the property owner by representatives of the Village of Commercial Point and/or any other land owner desirous of causing this property to be annexed to the municipal corporation limits of the village when it becomes contiguous to any portion of the municipal corporation limits.
      (2)   Further, the property owner shall include a restriction in any subsequent transfers of any interest in property to be connected which requires that the recipient of such conveyance shall also be subject to this requirement regarding annexing the property to the village at such time as the property becomes contiguous to the municipal corporation limits.
   (b)   Prior to the connection of any private property outside the municipal corporation limits to the sanitary sewer and/or storm sewer or to the existing water lines connected to the village water system, representatives of the village shall first ensure that the capacity of such sanitary sewer and/or storm sewer lines or the water lines are sufficient to accommodate the additional flow increment calculated to be tributary to such sewer and that the water flow is sufficient to provide appropriate water pressure for ordinary household purposes for any additional dwelling as a result of such connection.
   (c)   The property owner of any land to be connected to existing sanitary sewer and/or storm sewer or to be connected to existing water lines connected to the village water system shall be required to construct all sewers and to install all such water lines necessary to serve his or her land at his or her own expense, after having received approval of detailed plans therefore from the village and any other governmental agencies.
   (d)   All such connections as set forth in division (c) of this section shall be installed and inspected by representatives of the village prior to actual connection to the existing sewer or water system of the village.
   (e)   All such connections as set forth in division (c) of this section shall conform to the statutes and regulations of the State of Ohio and the ordinances and regulations of the Village of Commercial Point relative to construction and use of public sewers and connection and use of the public water system.
(Ord. 00-3, passed 11-6-2000)