General Provisions
33.01 Fire Department created
33.02 Duties of Chief; officers
33.03 Duties
33.04 Reserve firefighters
33.05 Employment of firefighters
33.06 Fire Chief; duties
33.07 Assistant Fire Chief duties
33.08 Service for industrial site subdivision
33.09 Property taxes; fee
33.10 Emergency management; adoption of act
33.11 Insurance
33.25 General rules and regulations
33.26 Vehicles have right-of-way
33.27 Mandatory assistance
Firefighter Retirement Plan
33.40 Firefighter Retirement Plan
33.99 Penalty
There is hereby created a Fire Department for the city which shall consist of a Fire Chief and as many officers and firefighters as is deemed appropriate by the Mayor and City Council, whether they be paid regular employees or reserves. The Fire Chief shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to the approval of the City Council, from a list of suitable persons supplied by the Civil Service Commission. The Fire Chief shall have such powers and authority and shall perform such duties as are provided by the provisions of this code, state law and city ordinances, rules and regulations.
(Prior Code, § 33.01) (Ord. 89-3A, passed 3-6-1989; Ord. 21-04, passed 2-1-2021; Ord. 22-18, passed 7-18-2022)
(A) The Fire Chief shall have full control and supervision over all paid and reserve firefighters. Said control and supervision shall be subject to the authority vested in the City Administrator for oversight as to all departments of the city and the authority of the Mayor and City Council.
(B) The Fire Chief shall be accountable to the City Administrator, Mayor and City Council for the proper and faithful performance of his or her duties. In the absence or inability of the Fire Chief, or during such hours of the day as the Fire Chief may be off duty, the Fire Chief’s powers and duties shall be exercised by the Assistant Fire Chief or the Fire Chief’s designee.
(Prior Code, § 33.02) (Ord. 21-04, passed 2-1-2021; Ord. 22-18, passed 7-18-2022)
(A) It shall be the duty of all fire companies now organized in the city or which may hereafter be organized to keep their apparatus and hose in a serviceable and clean condition and to repair with due haste to all fires and to remain thereat until dismissed by order of the Chief of the Fire Department.
(B) It shall also be the duty of the Secretary of each company to report to the City Council the names of all officers elected to fill active positions in the companies within a reasonable time after the election thereof and to file with the Clerk annually a list of all active members in good standing in order to obtain the exemptions provided by law.
(Prior Code, § 33.03)
Statutory reference:
Definition of membership in good standing, see Neb. Rev. Stat. § 35-103
Exemptions from militia/military duty, see Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 35-101, 55-106 and 55-174
Membership requirements for workers compensation, see Neb. Rev. Stat. § 48-115