§ 33.11 INSURANCE.
   The personnel of the Fire Department shall be considered as fully protected by the state’s Workers’ Compensation Act (Neb. Rev. Stat. § 48-1,110) and further subject to state statute.
(Prior Code, § 33.12) (Ord. 853, passed 8-21-1957)
   (A)   All rules and regulations applying to the Fire Department, when adopted by the Mayor and City Council, shall have the same force and effect as ordinances. Any such rules and regulations shall be printed and copies thereof shall be available at the fire station.
   (B)   Any firefighter not complying with the rules and regulations of the Department or a directive of any of the officers is subject to appropriate disciplinary action, including removal.
(Prior Code, § 33.25) (Ord. 89-3A, passed 3-6-1989; Ord. 22-18, passed 7-18-2022)
   (A)   The motor vehicles of the Fire Department shall have the right-of-way on all of the streets, avenues and alleys of the city when responding to a fire alarm, and upon the approach of any Fire Department vehicle giving audible signal by bell, siren or exhaust whistle, the driver of every other vehicle within 500 feet ahead of the Fire Department vehicle shall immediately drive same to a position as near as possible and parallel to the right-hand edge or curb of the street or highway upon which that driver is driving, clear of any intersection of streets or highways and shall stop and remain in such position unless otherwise directed by police or traffic officers or firefighters until the Fire Department vehicle shall have passed.
   (B)   No driver of any vehicle other than one on official business in response to a fire alarm shall follow any fire apparatus traveling in response to or returning from a fire alarm closer than 500 feet from the rear of the fire apparatus.
   (C)   No motor vehicle other than those of the Fire Department or called on official business in response to a fire alarm shall be parked or driven within 300 feet of the outer boundaries of the property upon which the fire is located, unless the vehicle was so parked prior to the sounding of the fire alarm.
   (D)   No person shall willfully, intentionally or carelessly hinder or otherwise interfere with any officer or firefighter in the performance of that officer or firefighter’s duty at or while going to or from a fire, or other person or vehicle on official business in connection with a fire alarm, or in any way interfere with, or intentionally or carelessly injure any fire apparatus, or drive any vehicle over any fire hose, or to approach within 100 feet of the property wherein a fire is located which firefighters have been called to extinguish.
(Prior Code, § 33.26) (Ord. 580, passed 12-20-1939) Penalty, see § 33.99
   The Fire Chief may command the assistance and services of any person present at a fire to help in extinguishing the fire or in the removal and protection of property.
(Prior Code, § 33.27) Penalty, see § 33.99
   The city’s Firefighter Retirement Plan has been created as required by state law. The city will administer this Plan per the requirements of state statutes.
(Prior Code, § 33.40)
Statutory reference:
   Firefighter Pension Plan, see Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 16-1020 through 16-1038