(A) The Mayor and City Council are hereby authorized to employ paid firefighters selected from candidates recommended by the Chief of the Fire Department, the list of which is supplied by the Civil Service Commission. The paid firefighters to be under control, direction and approval of the Chief of the Fire Department.
(B) Any disciplinary action in regard to a paid firefighter shall be as provided by the city personnel policy manual, the state’s Civil Service Act and the collective bargaining agreement.
(Prior Code, § 33.05) (Ord. 21-04, passed 2-1-2021)
Statutory reference:
Civil service, see Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 19-1832 and 19-1833
It shall be the duty of the Assistant Chief of the Fire Department to assist the Chief in matters pertaining to the Fire Department, and he or she shall coordinate all fire practice and training activities and shall chair the Fire Department Safety Committee.
(Prior Code, § 33.08) (Ord. 89-13, passed 5-1-1989; Ord. 21-04, passed 2-1-2021; Ord. 22-18, passed 7-18-2022)
(A) The city, through its Fire Department, will answer all calls for fire protection and will provide fire protection to the property included in the area known as the city’s industrial site subdivision, provided that the owner of such property has paid the amount due for such fire protection as provided for in § 33.09 of this code.
(B) The fire protection will be provided insofar as possible with the water and fire prevention facilities now available, or hereafter to be made available by the owners of the subdivision on their respective premises therein, and in like manner to that in which calls for fire protection are now answered, and in which fire protection is now provided and is to be provided to property situated in the city limits.
(Prior Code, § 33.09) (Ord. 03-23, passed 7-7-2003)
The Finance Director, at a date subsequent to the levy and assessment of property taxes in each year, and at least one month prior to the date in each year when the property taxes fall due, shall by examination of the tax list of the county determine the assessed valuation of the property in the city’s industrial site subdivision belonging to each owner of property situated therein, and from the determination and the levy made on property within the city limits for the purpose of providing fire protection, shall determine the amount due from each owner of property situated in the city’s industrial site subdivision as though a similar levy were being made on the property situated in the subdivision and shall notify each of the owners of the amount due from that owner in payment for the protection hereby provided. For protection furnished to any owner for a part of a year only, the Finance Director shall prorate the fee on the basis of the number of months during which the protection was actually furnished to the owner.
(Prior Code, § 33.10) (Ord. 666, passed 5-18-1949)
(A) The Fire Department shall forthwith move its fire and other emergency equipment and personnel outside the city limits and place them in immediate operation whenever ordered to do so by the state’s Emergency Management Agency and to such place as it shall direct, either in the event of an emergency as defined by Neb. Rev. Stat. § 81-829.36 or in connection with any program for practice and training.
(B) The Legislative Bill 310 and Neb. Rev. Stat. § 81-829.36, enacted with the emergency clause by the sixty-eighth session of the legislature and now duly approved shall insofar as applicable be a part of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 33.11) (Ord. 853, passed 8-21-1957)
(A) All rules and regulations applying to the Fire Department, when adopted by the Mayor and City Council, shall have the same force and effect as ordinances. Any such rules and regulations shall be printed and copies thereof shall be available at the fire station.
(B) Any firefighter not complying with the rules and regulations of the Department or a directive of any of the officers is subject to appropriate disciplinary action, including removal.
(Prior Code, § 33.25) (Ord. 89-3A, passed 3-6-1989; Ord. 22-18, passed 7-18-2022)