A.   Purpose: The purpose of the pre-application meeting is to:
      1.   Allow City staff to meet with applicants before an application has been prepared and submitted to introduce staff to the project;
      2.   Provide an initial informational review;
      3.   Identify and discuss with the applicant specific planning issues that might be associated with the project;
      4.   Determine whether a neighborhood meeting should be held prior to application submittal;
      5.   Inform applicant of required applications and associated approval processes; and
      6.   Determine whether the project will require review by the Land Development Technical Committee.
   B.   Applicability: A pre-application meeting may be required for those applications identified in Table 7.5.1-A. An applicant may voluntarily request a pre-application meeting before submission of all other applications. Pre-application meetings shall be voluntary for all applications where federal or state law or regulation requires that the City issue a decision on the application within a specified amount of time.
   C.   Effect: Any information or discussions held during the pre-application meeting shall not be binding on the City or the applicant. (Ord. 23-03)