A.   Purpose: The purpose of this Section 7.4.601 is to safeguard life, limb, property, and the public welfare from adverse grading and erosion impacts to private and public property.
   B.   General Requirements:
      1.   Grading shall conform to all applicable safety requirements. An erosion control blanket shall be installed on all graded slopes three (3) to one (1) and greater. A slope stability analysis or approved alternative shall be performed for permanent slopes graded steeper than two and a half (2.5) to one (1).
      2.   All construction activities shall follow the applicable standards and policies and may be required to provide assurances for erosion control as set forth in the Engineering Criteria.
      3.   All projects shall be designed to avoid and/or minimize soil erosion, both during construction and at final stabilization.
      4.   All projects that propose grade changes over buried utility infrastructure shall be reviewed and approved by Colorado Springs Utilities. It is the developer's responsibility to submit and obtain approval from Colorado Springs Utilities.
   C.   Grading and Erosion Control (GEC) Permit:
      1.   No person shall undertake any grading on private property that will result in any of the following without first complying with the requirements of Subsection 2 below:
         a.   Construction activities disturbing one (1) or more acres;
         b.   Construction activities that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale where the larger common plan disturbs one (1) or more acres;
         c.   Any grading or construction within an open drainage channel as determined by the review engineer;
         d.   Any time a permanent control measure is constructed or substantially modified, to be defined as involving non-maintenance related activities; or
         e.   On any site as deemed necessary and required by the Stormwater Enterprise Manager.
      2.   Before engaging in any activity listed in Subsection 1 above, the owner of the property shall obtain a GEC Permit or an Associate GEC Permit according to conditions and process set forth in the Engineering Criteria. The following list of requirements is for reference only:
         a.   An approved GEC Plan;
         b.   An approved City Stormwater Management Plan (CSWMP); and
         c.   A passed Initial Inspection.
      3.   A Permanent Control Management (PCM) Plan must be approved prior to implementation of the final phase of a GEC Plan, and prior to construction of the Permanent Control Measures. The Stormwater Enterprise Manager may issue a stop work order pursuant to Subsection 7.5.904C (Stop Work Order for Hillside Site and Grading Plan) if work under the final phase of the GEC Plan is started without an approved PCM Plan. Requirements for PCM Plans are detailed in the Engineering Criteria. All PCM Plans shall be signed and bear the seal of a registered professional engineer licensed by the State of Colorado.
      4.   In all zone districts, a GEC Permit or Associate GEC Permit issued by the Stormwater Enterprise Manager shall authorize the approved construction activity and implementation of the approved construction control measures, except as stated in Subsections 5 and 6 below.
      5.   In the HS-O district, approval of a Hillside Site and Grading Plan is required in addition to a GEC Permit or Associate GEC Permit. No activity listed in Subsection 1 above may occur on lands in the HS-O district until an approval of a Hillside Development Plan has been obtained pursuant to Sections 7.2.610 (HS-O: Hillside Overlay) and 7.5.515 (Development Plan).
      6.   In SS-O district, approval of a Streamside Development Plan is required in addition to a GEC Permit or Associate GEC Permit. No activity listed in Subsection 1 above may occur in the SS-O district until an approval of a Streamside Development Plan has been obtained pursuant to Sections 7.2.603 (SS-O: Streamside Overlay) and 7.5.515 (Development Plan). (Ord. 23-03)