A. Stormwater Quality and Detention Requirements:
1. The owner shall comply with all stormwater requirements, policies, and procedures as outlined in the Engineering Criteria.
2. The City of Colorado Springs requires use of the Four (4) Step Process for receiving water protection that focuses on reducing runoff volumes, treating the water quality capture volume, stabilizing drainageways, and implementing long-term source controls. The Four (4) Step Process shall be used as follows:
a. For all new and redevelopment projects with construction activities that disturb one (1) acre or greater; in addition, detention must be implemented according to the policies in the Engineering Criteria; and
b. For all new and redevelopment projects that disturb less than one acre but are part of a larger common plan of development or sale where the larger common plan disturbs one (1) or more acres.
3. For purposes of this Section 7.4.703:
a. Development is defined as any land disturbing activities excluding maintenance activities as determined by the Stormwater Enterprise Manager.
b. Additional requirements are located in the Engineering Criteria.
B. Required Documentation:
1. Requirements for documentation of Permanent Control Measures are set forth in the Engineering Criteria. The following list of requirements is for reference only:
a. Inspection and Maintenance (I&M) Plan: Acceptance of an I&M Plan is required prior to Permanent Control Measure plan approval.
b. Maintenance Agreement: A Maintenance Agreement shall be recorded with deed records to ensure that the Maintenance Agreement is bound to the property in perpetuity prior to release of Permanent Control Measure assurance for private Permanent Control Measures.
c. As-Built Plan: An as-built plan shall be accepted prior to release of Permanent Control Measure assurance.
d. PE Certification: A certification of compliance with the approved Permanent Control Measure plan by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Colorado is required prior to release of Permanent Control Measure assurance.
2. The Stormwater Enterprise Manager may issue a revocable permit to owners of Permanent Control Measures installed prior to June 1, 2008, according to policies set forth in the Engineering Criteria.
3. The Stormwater Enterprise Manager may approve the implementation of a temporary Permanent Control Measure. Temporary Permanent Control Measures must follow the requirements and policies set forth in the Engineering Criteria, including requirements for recorded Maintenance Agreements and Notices.
C. Inspection Policies:
1. Permanent Control Measures shall be inspected and maintained by the owner or owner's representative, in accordance with the provisions of this Section, Chapter 3, Article 8 of the City Code, and the Engineering Criteria. Annual inspection reports shall be submitted to the Stormwater Enterprise Manager.
2. Owner inspection requirements do not apply to Permanent Control Measures constructed prior to June 4, 2008.
3. The Stormwater Enterprise Manager may enter upon the subject private or public property at reasonable times to conduct on-site inspections or maintenance or to confirm the information in the annual inspection reports submitted by the responsible party. (Ord. 23-03)