7.4.504: SCOPE OF STUDY:
   A.   The requirements for scope of the Geological Hazard Study are included in the Engineering Criteria. In general, the Study shall be of sufficient detail and scope to:
      1.   Identify the geologic hazards affecting the development site;
      2.   Analyze the potential negative impacts the geologic hazards will have upon the proposed project;
      3.   Provide mitigation techniques that will reduce to acceptable standards the risk posed to the development by any identified geologic hazards;
      4.   Analyze potential impacts the proposed project will have on surrounding properties or public facilities related to existing geologic hazards; and
      5.   Provide recommendations to be incorporated into the proposed project that mitigate significant potential impacts to surrounding properties or public facilities.
   B.   The conclusions and recommendations of the study shall be based upon:
      1.   Site Specific Subsurface Investigations (not required for Land Use Plan level studies);
      2.   Site reconnaissance to identify the geologic features of the site and surrounding property;
      3.   Review of previous geologic reports within close proximity to the subject site;
      4.   Review of past geologic mapping in the area; and
      5.   Conclusions drawn from the experience of the reviewing geologist or geotechnical engineer. (Ord. 23-03)