A. Compliance with Life Safety Regulations: In addition to all other provisions of this Part 7.4.4, all developments shall comply with all applicable regulations and standards for fire protection, emergency vehicle access, and life safety adopted by the City, including without limitation those that may limit the number of residential dwelling units relying on a limited number of vehicle access points. If there is a conflict between the requirements of this Section and life safety or engineering standards, the Manager in consultation with the Public Works Director and managers of affected Departments shall determine which standard shall apply.
B. Americans with Disabilities Act:
1. Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") and other Federal and State accessibility laws is the sole responsibility of the property owner. Therefore, compliance with this Code does not assure compliance with the ADA or any other federal or state accessibility laws or any regulations or guidelines enacted or established under or with respect to such laws. The City of Colorado Springs is not responsible for enforcement of the ADA or any other federal or state accessibility laws.
2. The following note shall be added to all Development Plans prior to approval:
"The parties responsible for this plan have familiarized themselves with all current accessibility criteria and specifications and the proposed plan reflects all site elements required by the applicable ADA design standards and guidelines as published by the United States Department of Justice. Approval of this plan by the City of Colorado Springs does not assure compliance with the ADA or any other Federal or State accessibility laws or any regulations or guidelines enacted or established under or with respect to such laws. Sole responsibility for compliance with Federal and State accessibility laws lies with the property owner."
3. Each Development Plan submitted to the City of Colorado Springs shall illustrate the provision of ADA accessible routes in accord with the applicable ADA design standards and guidelines as published by the United States Department of Justice with clearly identified corridors reflected on the site Development Plan, as applicable. (Ord. 23-03)