This Part 7.4.4 is intended to implement the policy of the City that:
A. Streets shall be planned, located, constructed, named, and numerically addressed to promote the health, welfare, and safety of the public. Streets in the City shall provide for ease of vehicle, bicycle, pedestrian, emergency response, and public transit circulation and the lessening of traffic congestion. Streets shall be designated and constructed to provide for safe and convenient resolution of potential conflicts between alternative modes of transportation.
B. Major streets shall provide for the rapid and relatively unimpeded movement of vehicular traffic throughout the City, while still accommodating safe and convenient movement of pedestrians on the City's arterial streets, and major streets shall be located so as to provide access to major land use or activity centers in the City.
C. Minor streets shall provide safe and convenient vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian access to all property in the City. (Ord. 23-03)