A.   Application: The design standards established in this Section 7.4.302 shall be applied by the Planning Commission or staff assigned to perform an administrative review in evaluating a proposed plat of subdivision.
   B.   Conformity with Colorado Springs Comprehensive Plan: The plat shall be consistent with the Colorado Springs Comprehensive Plan.
   C.   Remnants of Land: The plat shall not create parcels of land that do not meet the standards for a developable lot in the zone district where the property is located, unless those parcels are designated as "tracts" and adequate assurance is provided to incorporate the tracts into usable lots in future developments.
   D.   Block Standards: The layout of each block shall conform to sound subdivision design principles and the length, width, and shape shall comply with:
      1.   Requirements for lot size in the zone district where the property is located;
      2.   Any applicable overlay district requirements regarding avoidance of sensitive lands including those standards related to land near streams, floodplains, hillsides, and in the WUI-O district in Part 7.2.6 (Overlay Districts);
      3.   Applicable standards related to the provision of utilities, grading, erosion control, and stormwater, including without limitation those standards in Parts 7.4.6 (Grading and Erosion Control) and 7.4.7 (Stormwater) and the Engineering Criteria; and
      4.   The provision of safe and effective emergency responses as well as applicable standards for safe, convenient access and circulation for motor vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians, including the standards for access and connectivity in Part 7.4.4 (Access and Connectivity) and the Engineering Criteria.
   E.   Lot Standards:
      1.   General: The size, shape, and orientation of lots shall be appropriate to the proposed subdivision location and to the type of development contemplated and shall conform to requirements of this Code, including without limitation the requirements for lots, access, and connectivity in the zone district in which the property is located.
      2.   City Limits Line: No lot shall be divided by a City limit line.
      3.   Access: Each lot in a new or replatted subdivision shall be provided with satisfactory access to a dedicated public street pursuant to the Engineering Criteria.
      4.   Double Frontage: Double frontage lots, other than corner lots, are not permitted unless approved by the Manager, Planning Commission, or City Council based on considerations of public safety, land use efficiency, or topographic constraints.
      5.   Flag Lots: Flag lots may be allowed where warranted by physical conditions of landform, existing lot pattern, or unusual size or shape of parcel(s). The narrow strip of land connecting the main portion of a flag lot to the street shall be not less than twenty (20) feet wide at any point and side lot utility easements not less than five (5) feet wide shall be provided adjacent to the flag lot lines. If five-(5) foot-wide public utility easements are not provided along side lot lines, the stem portion of the flag lot shall be not less than twenty-five (25) feet wide. The stem portion of the flag lot shall also provide for practical vehicular and utility access and allow for adequate utility service line separations and shall not be counted towards the minimum lot area requirement of the zone district.
   F.   Residential Lot Design Adjacent to Major Street: If a frontage road is not provided for a lot with an attached or detached single-family or two-family dwelling use fronting onto an expressway, freeway, or principal or minor arterial street, the subdivider shall cause the design of the subdivision to conform to one of the alternative design treatments stated below:
      1.   Lots adjacent to the expressway, freeway, or principal or minor arterial street shall have vehicular access from the existing or proposed alley adjacent to the rear lot line. Fire apparatus shall have vehicular access from the existing or proposed alley adjacent to the rear lot line subject to Colorado Springs Fire Code Official approval; or
      2.   Lots adjacent to the expressway, freeway, or principal or minor arterial street shall have vehicular access from the minor street adjacent to an approved double frontage lot. Fire apparatus shall have vehicular access from the existing or proposed alley adjacent to the rear lot line subject to Colorado Springs Fire Code Official approval.
   G.   Compact Lot Orientation: For Compact Lots, the following additional standards for lot orientation and related pedestrian access shall apply:
      1.   Greenway Oriented Units:
         a.   Greenway Oriented Units shall be oriented to have primary pedestrian access off of a courtyard or green space, with the entry façade oriented to the courtyard or green space. Pedestrian connections shall be provided through the greenway to provide access to parking and the street system.
         b.   Spacing between dwelling units shall be a minimum of thirty (30) feet.
      2.   Street Oriented Units: Street Oriented Units shall be oriented to have primary pedestrian access off of the adjacent private or public residential street or alley.
   H.   Easements:
      1.   Utility Easements:
         a.   Utility easements shall be provided and shall not less than five (5) feet wide on both sides of all side lot lines and seven (7) feet wide on both sides of all rear lot lines
         b.   Where the right-of-way is fifty (50) feet or less in width, a five (5) foot wide utility easement shall also be provided adjacent to the right-of-way;
         c.   The standards in subsections 1.a and 1.b may be adjusted by the Colorado Springs Utilities Chief Executive Officer, City Engineer, or the Manager.
         d.   All required public drainage, public utility, and other public improvement easements shall be placed on the Final Plat prior to recording.
      2.   Drainage Easements: All existing and, to the maximum extent feasible, proposed drainage easements for stormwater infrastructure/conveyance shall be placed on the Final Plat and so marked prior to recording. Further, private drainage easements shall be marked "private drainage easements" on the plat, or a statement shall be placed on the Final Plat that the City is not responsible for the maintenance of said easements, prior to recording.
      3.   Combined Easement for Utilities and Drainage: Easements proposed for both utilities and stormwater shall be at least seven (7) feet wide on rear lot lines and the joint purposes of the easement shall be designated on the Final Plat prior to recording.
      4.   Access and Parking Easements: All required common access, ingress/egress, and parking easements shall be shown on the Final Plat and indicated whether public or private.
      5.   Maintenance of Easements: Except as otherwise provided by plat note or as provided in any easement granted to the City by separate instrument, the property owner shall be responsible for the maintenance of all easements granted or dedicated to the City, and all easements granted or dedicated to the City on behalf of its enterprise, Colorado Springs Utilities, or for public utilities.
   I.   Railroad Rights-of-way: Where a subdivision adjoins a railroad right-of-way, space for grade separations, buffer strips, and other protective treatments along the right-of-way shall be provided as required by the City to protect public health and safety and to mitigate adverse impacts from the railroad on nearby properties. Spaces or treatments required by the City for these purposes may exceed those required property setbacks in the zone district where the property is located, and may exceed landscaping, screening, and buffering otherwise required by Part 7.4.9 (Landscaping and Green Space).
   J.   Lots Requiring Smoke Alarms or Sprinklers:
      1.   A monitored smoke alarm system or a sprinkler system shall be required for all new homes on lots with lot lines that are more than six hundred (600) feet from the entrance of a cul-de-sac or lots for which the only vehicle access is a road with grades in excess of ten (10) percent. This requirement shall not apply to Subdivision Plats recorded prior to March 24, 1981, or to subdivisions for which a Development Plan was approved prior to April 1, 1993.
      2.   Development in the WUI-O district is also subject to the requirements of Subsection 7.2.604B (Compliance with Fire Prevention Code and Standards Required).
      3.   Each lot meeting the criteria of Subsections 1 or 2 above shall be identified on the Subdivision Plat. (Ord. 23-03)