A.   Purpose: The purpose of this Part 7.4.3 is to:
      1.   Promote the health, safety, convenience, and general welfare of the citizens of the City.
      2.   Set forth appropriate standards for subdivision design that will:
         a.   Encourage the development of sound, economical, stable neighborhoods and create a healthy living environment for the residents of the City, in conformance with the goals and policies of the Colorado Springs Comprehensive Plan.
         b.   Provide for lots of adequate size, configuration, and appropriate design for the purpose for which they are to be used and to accommodate the physical features of the site.
         c.   Promote design flexibility.
         d.   Provide for streets of adequate capacity and that with appropriate improvements will handle anticipated traffic flow.
         e.   Preserve the significant natural features and environmental quality of the City.
      3.   Set forth appropriate standards for utilities and services that will:
         a.   Provide an efficient, adequate, and economical supply of utilities and services to land proposed for development, in order to assure that governmental costs are minimized to the greatest extent possible.
         b.   Ensure that adequate stormwater infrastructure, sewage disposal, and other utilities, services, and improvements needed to serve the subdivision of land are provided. It is the developer's responsibility to ensure that an adequate stormwater outfall is provided for the site as determined by the Stormwater Enterprise Manager.
         c.   Provide for the undergrounding of all public utility lines up to thirty-five thousand (35,000) volts except as otherwise provided in Subsection 7.4.303C (Undergrounding of Utilities).
      4.   Assure the provision of adequate and safe circulation that will:
         a.   Ensure safe and effective emergency response.
         b.   Minimize traffic hazards through appropriate street design and provide for safe and convenient vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic circulation.
         c.   Provide for adequate vehicular access to adjacent properties and the subdivider's remaining holdings.
         d.   Assure that street rights-of-way are provided for in accord with the Major Thoroughfare Plan and Engineering Criteria.
         e.   Provide for safe and convenient pedestrian access throughout the community.
      5.   Assure adequate public facilities are provided that will:
         a.   Enhance the coordination of subdivision development with the provision of public facilities such as parks, recreation areas, trails, schools, utilities, and other types of community facilities.
         b.   Ensure that public facilities are provided in compliance with the Colorado Springs Comprehensive Plan.
         c.   Ensure adequate law enforcement and fire protection services.
      6.   Ensure the appropriate development of the community through the implementation of the goals and policies of the Colorado Springs Comprehensive Plan.
   B.   Territorial Limits of Regulations:
      1.   Area Inside City Limits: This UDC shall apply to all land located within the City limits.
      2.   Area Outside City Limits: All layouts of proposed subdivisions outside the City but within the territorial limits of any written agreement between the City and El Paso County shall be submitted to the City for recommendations relating to subdivision design, traffic, circulation, and the Colorado Springs Comprehensive Plan.
   C.   Compliance Required: No person shall subdivide any tract of land that is located within the City except in conformity with the provisions of this UDC, and jurisdiction under this Part 7.4.3 and those parts of Article 7.5 (Administration and Enforcement) addressing review and approval of proposed subdivisions shall also extend to and cover any major street plan adopted under the provisions of this UDC to the extent of the territorial limits established under the State statutes. (Ord. 23-03)