Any monument set for the purpose of locating or preserving the lines of any street or property or subdivision, a precise survey reference point or a permanent survey bench mark within the City, shall not be removed or disturbed without first obtaining permission in writing from the City. Permission to remove or disturb monuments, reference points or bench marks shall only be granted upon condition that the person applying for permission shall pay all expenses incident to the proper replacement of the monument by the City. (1968 Code §10-118.1; Ord. 74-56; Ord. 85-214; Ord. 01-42)
No unauthorized person shall pour, spill or permit to be poured or spilled or to drip or flow upon, or deposit or place in any receptacle or container upon any asphalt or bituminous macadam or curb, gutter or sidewalk, or about any tree or shrub on any street, avenue, alley or public place in the City, any salt or salt water, kerosene, benzene, gasoline, lubricating oil or other similar oil or oily substance. The ordinary and natural drip from vehicles and their axles, bearings and equipments, when carefully handled and operated, is allowed. (Ord. 1125; 1968 Code §10-79; Ord. 01-42)
3.3.401: License Required; Fee
3.3.402: Business And License Requirements
3.3.403: Definitions
3.3.404: Possession Of Alcoholic Beverages Or Controlled Substances By Drivers Prohibited
3.3.405: Name And Address On Vehicles
3.3.406: Liability Insurance Required
3.3.407: Testing And Approval Of Materials
3.3.408: Traffic Control
3.3.409: Inspection
3.3.410: Cleanup
3.3.411: Trip Sheets
3.3.412: Qualifications Of Drivers
3.3.413: Revocation And Suspension
3.3.414: Rules And Regulations
3.3.415: Certification
A. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or for any person to knowingly permit another person to operate, a snowplowing vehicle for the purpose of snow removal from upon the streets of the City unless the vehicle is properly licensed for snow removal and the driver approved by the City's Traffic Engineer as provided in this part.
B. All applications for licenses shall be submitted on a form provided by the City. Licenses shall be for the term of one year, commencing on September 1 and ending on August 31. The license fee shall be set annually by the City Traffic Engineer through a written administrative regulation prior to August 1 of the annual license term.
C. This part shall not apply to the Federal government or its entities, the State of Colorado, El Paso County or the City, nor shall it apply to their agents or contractors, when engaged in snow removal activity pursuant to any public contract for snow removal. (Ord. 88-193; Ord. 01-42)
DRIVER: Any person who drives a snowplowing vehicle for the purpose of snow removal on public streets or avenues including, but not limited to, an operator, an employee of an operator or any person who, through lease or otherwise, stands in the relationship of subcontractor or independent contractor to an operator.
ENGINEER: City Traffic Engineer.
MOBILIZATION: Performance of any private contract for removing snow from public streets.
OPERATOR: Any person engaged in the business of snow removal on public streets or avenues provided that the term shall not include a person who operated a snowplowing vehicle solely as a bona fide employee of an operator.
PUBLIC CONTRACT FOR SNOW REMOVAL: Includes any contract between an operator and the Federal, State, El Paso County governments or the City, for removal of snow from public streets.
PUBLIC STREET OR HIGHWAY: The entire width between the boundary lines of every way publicly maintained when any part is open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel; the entire width of every way declared to be a public street or highway by any law of this State. The terms "street" and "highway" are synonymous and interchangeable.
SNOW: Any deposit of snow or ice, or combination of both, on a public street.
SNOWPLOWING VEHICLE: Any motor vehicle used to remove snow on public streets or avenues. (Ord. 88-193; Ord. 01-42)