DRIVER: Any person who drives a snowplowing vehicle for the purpose of snow removal on public streets or avenues including, but not limited to, an operator, an employee of an operator or any person who, through lease or otherwise, stands in the relationship of subcontractor or independent contractor to an operator.
ENGINEER: City Traffic Engineer.
MOBILIZATION: Performance of any private contract for removing snow from public streets.
OPERATOR: Any person engaged in the business of snow removal on public streets or avenues provided that the term shall not include a person who operated a snowplowing vehicle solely as a bona fide employee of an operator.
PUBLIC CONTRACT FOR SNOW REMOVAL: Includes any contract between an operator and the Federal, State, El Paso County governments or the City, for removal of snow from public streets.
PUBLIC STREET OR HIGHWAY: The entire width between the boundary lines of every way publicly maintained when any part is open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel; the entire width of every way declared to be a public street or highway by any law of this State. The terms "street" and "highway" are synonymous and interchangeable.
SNOW: Any deposit of snow or ice, or combination of both, on a public street.
SNOWPLOWING VEHICLE: Any motor vehicle used to remove snow on public streets or avenues. (Ord. 88-193; Ord. 01-42)
It shall be unlawful for drivers, while on duty or in any manner in possession of a snowplowing vehicle, to possess, either on their person or anywhere on their vehicles, any malt, vinous or spirituous liquor or any beer, fermented malt beverage or otherwise, or any controlled substance or drug at any time. Violation of this section shall also be grounds for immediate revocation or suspension of license. (Ord. 88-193; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 04-195)
All snowplowing vehicles operated by any licensee shall have the name, address and license number of the licensee displayed on both sides of the vehicle in plain and legible letters and numbers not less than three inches (3") in height. Lettering shall be kept in a condition that permits them to be readily distinguished and read at a distance of at least sixty feet (60'). It shall be unlawful and grounds for revocation of the license for a licensee to operate any vehicle or cause any vehicle to be operated upon the public ways within the City unless the name, address and license number is displayed. (Ord. 88-193; Ord. 01-42)
A. No license to operate a snowplowing vehicle shall be issued until the applicant furnishes evidence of current vehicle and public liability insurance policies to the Traffic Engineer. The following insurance coverage shall require limits not less than those specified in the name of the licensee with the City named as an additional insured:
State statutory limits for vehicle insurance.
Five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage for each occurrence or claim made with an aggregate of one million dollars ($1,000,000.00).
All policies shall be kept in force for the period of the license and the property damage policy shall specifically include any and all damage to city property including, but not limited to, streets, curbs, gutters and signposts.
B. Each policy of insurance shall contain an endorsement to the effect that the insurance carrier shall notify the City Traffic Engineer at least thirty (30) days in advance of the effective date of any reduction or cancellation of the policy. The cancellation or reduction of insurance shall be cause for automatic suspension of the license until coverage is reinstated. All policies shall be kept in force for the period of the license.
C. The licensee shall be responsible for any and all damage to property or injury to persons arising out of the exercise of the license, and the licensee shall indemnify and save harmless the City and all of its officers, agents and employees from all suits, actions or claims of injuries received or sustained by any person or property due to the exercise of the license or of any act or omission of the license, the licensee's agents or employees or due to the failure of the licensee to comply with the provisions of this part. (Ord. 88-193; Ord. 01-42)
Prior to mobilization, copies of all material testing reports for any deicing chemicals or abrasives used on a City street shall be delivered to and reviewed by the superintendent of the street division for approval. Costs incurred in all testing shall be the responsibility of the licensee. All deicing chemicals and abrasives must meet Federal EPA standards, and no chemical or abrasive may be used unless approved in writing by the superintendent. (Ord. 88-193; Ord. 01-42)