A.   Every person who exercises a taxable privilege by purchasing, leasing, renting, using, storing, distributing, or consuming tangible personal property, taxable services, or both shall pay a tax of three and seven one- hundredths percent (3.07%) of the amount paid for the tangible personal property, taxable services, or both.
   B.   Every person who exercises a taxable privilege by selling, leasing, or renting tangible personal property, taxable services, or both shall collect a tax of three and seven one-hundredths percent (3.07%) of the amount charged for the tangible personal property, taxable services, or both.
   C.   The tax imposed by this section or section 2.7.203 of this part shall be calculated to the nearest penny, but all tax of a fraction of a penny of fifty percent (50%) or more shall be rounded up and all tax of a fraction of a penny or less than fifty percent (50%) shall be rounded down. (1968 Code §3-72; Ord. 78-45; Ord. 91-161; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 08-218; Ord. 15-97 1 ; Ord. 20-61 2 )



1. January 1, 2016, is the effective date of ordinance 15-97.
2. January 1, 2021 is the effective date of ordinance 20-61.