Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the following terms, as used in this article, shall have the meanings hereinafter designated:
ARTICLE OR THIS ARTICLE: Chapter 12, article 2 of this Code of the City of Colorado Springs.
COGENERATOR OR QUALIFIED SMALL POWER PRODUCER: Any person or entity who is constructing or developing an electric generating system who wishes to connect the generating system to the electric system for the purpose of selling electricity to the Utilities or to other persons or entities.
DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES: Distribution lines and/or service lines and appurtenances thereto.
DISTRIBUTION LINE: A line capable of conducting electricity which is used for the purpose of general distribution of electricity to users, extending from the substations up to, but not including, the service line.
ELECTRIC POLE: The vertical pole or other structure used to support overhead electric lines, transformers or other electrical facilities.
ELECTRIC SERVICE STANDARDS MANUAL: A publication revised and published as needed by the Electric Department which contains the applicable policies, rules and regulations. This manual is available at no charge at designated offices of the Utilities.
NEC: The National Electrical Code as adopted by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).
NESC: The National Electrical Safety Code as adopted by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
PRODUCTION SYSTEM: That portion of the electric supply system of the City which is used primarily for the generation or production of electrical energy, including electric generation plants and their appurtenances up to, but not including, substations.
SERVICE LINE: A distribution facility which conducts electricity from distribution lines to users and which extends from the distribution line to the point of connection on the building or other structure of the user, including the connection.
TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: That portion of the electric supply system which is used primarily for the transmission of electricity between substations or transformers or for the distribution of electricity to users, from and including substations which receive electricity from electric generation plants. The system shall also include service lines, transmission lines and distribution lines.
TRANSMISSION LINE: A line capable of conducting electricity which is used for the purpose of transmitting electricity from electric generation plants to substations for transformation or distribution, or between the substations and all appurtenances thereto.
USER: Any person who uses, takes electricity from, or is connected to the electric supply system, except as expressly provided otherwise by contract with Utilities. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 01-42)
A. The use or connection to the electric supply system of the City by any person shall be subject to one or more of the following as applicable:
1. All ordinances and resolutions of the City;
2. The provisions of the currently effective tariff sheets governing electric service for the various classes, including regulations set forth herein;
3. Applicable provisions of the National Electric Safety Code as modified and adopted by the Utilities and the most current edition of relevant service standards and specifications;
4. Applicable provisions of the National Electric Code as adopted by Council in the Regional Building Code.
B. In the event of any inconsistency or conflict among or between any of the foregoing sources of regulation, precedence shall be given in the order in which the sources of regulation are set out herein.
C. Where the PUC retains jurisdiction of a utility matter, applicable decisions or rules of the PUC shall take precedence over the sources of regulations set out herein. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 01-42)