A. Whenever official traffic control devices are placed in position approximately conforming to the requirements of this chapter, the devices shall be presumed to have been placed by the official act or direction of lawful authority, unless the contrary shall be established by competent evidence.
B. Any official traffic control device placed pursuant to the provisions of this chapter and purporting to conform to the lawful requirements pertaining to the devices shall be presumed to comply with the requirements of this chapter, unless the contrary shall be established by competent evidence. (1968 Code §6-17-4; Ord. 75-86; Ord. 01-42)
Whenever traffic is controlled by traffic control signals exhibiting different colored lights or colored arrows successively one at a time or in combination, only the colors green, yellow and red shall be used, except for special pedestrian control signals carrying a word legend as provided in section 10.17.108 of this article. The lights, arrows and combinations thereof shall indicate and apply to drivers of vehicles and pedestrians as follows:
A. Green Indication:
1. Vehicular traffic facing a circular green signal may proceed straight through or turn right or left unless a sign at the place prohibits either turn; but vehicular traffic, including vehicles turning right or left, shall yield the right of way to other vehicles and to pedestrians lawfully within the intersection or an adjacent crosswalk at the time the signal is exhibited.
2. Vehicular traffic facing a green arrow signal, shown alone or in combination with another indication may cautiously enter the intersection only to make the movement indicated by the arrow or other movement as is permitted by other indications shown at the same time. The vehicular traffic shall yield the right of way to pedestrians lawfully within an adjacent crosswalk and to other traffic lawfully using the intersection.
3. Unless otherwise directed by a pedestrian control signal as provided in section 10.17.108 of this article, pedestrians facing any green signal, except when the sole green signal is a turn arrow, may proceed across the roadway within any marked or unmarked crosswalk.
B. Steady Yellow Indication:
1. Vehicular traffic facing a steady circular yellow or yellow arrow signal is warned that the related green movement is being terminated, or that a red indication will be exhibited immediately thereafter.
2. Pedestrians facing a steady circular yellow or yellow arrow signal, unless otherwise directed by a pedestrian control signal as provided in section 10.17.108 of this article, are advised that there is insufficient time to cross the roadway before a red indication is shown, and no pedestrian shall then start to cross the roadway.
C. Steady Red Indication:
1. Vehicular Traffic; Circular Red Signal: Vehicular traffic facing a steady circular red signal alone shall stop at a clearly marked stop line but, if none, before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection or, if none, then before entering the intersection and shall remain standing until an indication to proceed is shown. Vehicles turning to the right or left may proceed after stopping under the following circumstances:
a. Right Turns: A right turn may be made on a red light where not prohibited by an official sign or other official traffic control device and only if the vehicle first comes to a stop, yields the right of way to pedestrians lawfully within an adjacent crosswalk, and yields the right of way to any other traffic lawfully using the intersection. It is otherwise unlawful to turn right on a steady circular red signal.
b. Left Turns: A left turn may be made on a red light when not prohibited by an official sign or other official traffic control device and only if the vehicle first comes to a stop, is on a one-way street and is turning onto a one-way street where traffic is proceeding to the vehicle's left, and only after yielding the right of way to all pedestrians and other traffic. It is otherwise unlawful to turn left on a steady circular red signal.
2. Pedestrians; Circular Red Signal: Pedestrians facing a steady circular red signal alone shall not enter the roadway, unless otherwise directed by a pedestrian control signal as provided in section 10.17.108 of this article.
3. Vehicular Traffic; Red Arrow Signal: Vehicular traffic facing a steady red arrow signal may not enter the intersection to make the movement indicated by the arrow and, unless entering the intersection to make another movement as is permitted by other indications shown at the same time, shall stop at a clearly marked stop line but if none, before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection or if none, then before entering the intersection and shall remain standing until an indication to make the movement indicated by the arrow is shown.
4. Pedestrians; Red Arrow Signal: Pedestrians facing a steady red arrow signal shall not enter the roadway, unless otherwise directed by a pedestrian control signal as provided in section 10.17.108 of this article.
5. AVIS Violations: It shall be a violation of this subsection C5 for the driver of a vehicle to disobey the instructions of a traffic control signal as defined by this section at any intersection monitored by an AVIS.
a. No person shall be convicted of a violation of this subsection unless 10.1.115 Automated Vehicle Identification Systems (AVIS), which governs violations detected by AVIS, is complied with.
D. Nonintersection Signal:
1. In the event an official traffic control signal is erected and maintained at a place other than an intersection, the provisions of this section shall be applicable except as to those provisions which by their nature can have no application.
2. Any stop required at a nonintersection signal shall be made at a sign or pavement marking indicating where the stop shall be made, but in the absence of any sign or marking, the stop shall be in advance of the crosswalk or crossing area. (1968 Code §6-17-5; Ord. 75-86; Ord. 77-69; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 10-47; Ord. 24-33)
A. Whenever an illuminated flashing red or yellow signal is used in conjunction with the traffic sign or traffic signal or as a traffic beacon, it shall require obedience by vehicular traffic as follows:
1. When a red lens is illuminated with rapid intermittent flashes, drivers of vehicles shall stop at a clearly marked stop line but, if none, before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection or, if none, then at the point nearest the intersecting roadway where the driver has a view of approaching traffic on the intersecting roadway before entering the intersection, and the right to proceed shall be subject to the rules applicable after making a stop at a stop sign.
2. When a yellow lens is illuminated with rapid intermittent flashes, drivers of vehicles may proceed past the signal and through the intersection or other hazardous location only with caution.
Whenever lane use control signals are placed over the individual lanes of a street or highway, the signals shall indicate and apply to drivers of vehicles as follows:
A. Downward Pointing Green Arrow (Steady): A driver facing the signal may drive in any lane over which the green arrow signal is located.
B. Yellow "X" (Steady): A driver facing the signal is warned that the related green arrow movement is being terminated and shall vacate in a safe manner the lane over which the steady yellow signal is located to avoid, if possible, occupying that lane when the steady red "X" signal is exhibited.
C. Yellow "X" (Flashing): A driver facing the signal may use the lane over which the flashing yellow signal is located for the purpose of making a left turn or a passing maneuver, using proper caution, but for no other purpose.
D. Red "X" (Steady): A driver facing the signal shall not drive in or to the left of any lane over which the red signal is exhibited. (1968 Code §6-17-7; Ord. 75-86; Ord. 01-42)
Whenever special pedestrian control signals exhibiting the words "Walk" or "Don't Walk", or similar international symbols, are in place, the signals shall indicate as follows:
A. "Walk" (Steady): While the "Walk" indication is steadily illuminated, pedestrians facing the signal may proceed across the roadway in the direction of the signal indication.
B. "Walk" (Flashing): Whenever the "Walk" indication is flashing, pedestrians facing the signal are cautioned that there is possible hazard from turning vehicles, but the pedestrians may proceed across the roadway in the direction of the signal indication and shall be given the right of way by the drivers of all vehicles.
C. "Don't Walk" (Steady): While the "Don't Walk" indication is steadily illuminated, no pedestrian shall enter the roadway in the direction of the signal indication.
D. "Don't Walk" (Flashing): Whenever the "Don't Walk" indication is flashing, no pedestrian shall start to cross the roadway in the direction of the indication, but any pedestrian who has partly completed crossing during the "Walk" indication, shall proceed to a sidewalk or to a safety island, and all drivers of vehicles shall yield to any pedestrian on the roadway or safety island.
E. Vehicular Traffic Stopped: Whenever a signal system provides for the stopping of all vehicular traffic and the exclusive movement of pedestrians, and "Walk" and "Don't Walk" signal indications control pedestrian movement, pedestrians may cross in any direction between corners of the intersection offering the shortest route within the boundaries of the intersection while the "Walk" indication is exhibited, if signals or other official devices direct pedestrian movement in a manner consistent with subsection 10.18.104D of this chapter. (1968 Code §6-17-8; Ord. 75-86; Ord. 85-263; Ord. 01-42)
A. Whenever a driver approaches an intersection and faces a traffic control signal which is inoperative or which remains on steady red or steady yellow during several time cycles, the driver shall treat the signal as a "Stop" sign and the rules provided in section 10.3.101 of this chapter shall apply until a police officer assumes control of traffic or until normal operation is resumed. This subsection shall not apply when a driver faces an intersection with a "high intensity activated crosswalk (HAWK) pedestrian signal", as defined in section 10.1.202 of this chapter that has not been activated.
B. In the event that any traffic control signal at a place other than an intersection should cease to operate or should malfunction, drivers may proceed through the inoperative or malfunctioning signal only with caution, as if the signal were one of flashing yellow.
C. Whenever a pedestrian faces a pedestrian control signal, as provided in section 10.17.108 of this article, which is inoperative or which remains on "Don't Walk" or "Walk" during several time cycles, the pedestrian shall not enter the roadway unless the pedestrian can do so safely and without interfering with any vehicular traffic. (1968 Code §6-17-9; Ord. 75-86; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 10-92)
Wherever barricades are erected to close off a part of or all of a street or highway, as authorized in Section 10.1.309 of this chapter or by the Police Department, Fire Department or other authorized governmental agency, no person shall operate a vehicle around, through or between the barricades or into the barricaded area, except as directed or permitted by official signs or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or other authorized person.
Nothing in this section shall limit or otherwise affect the authority of, or be construed to deny access to the barricades area, any person charged by law with the responsibility of rendering assistance at or investigating the barricaded area. (1968 Code § 6-17-11; Ord. 75-86; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 21-23)
A. No person shall place, maintain or display upon or in view of any street or highway any unauthorized sign, signal, marking or device which purports to be or is an imitation of or resembles an official traffic control device or railroad sign or signal, or which attempts to direct the movement of traffic, or which hides from view or interferes with the effectiveness of any official traffic control device or railroad sign or signal.
B. No person shall place or maintain, nor shall any public authority permit upon any street or highway any traffic sign or signal bearing any commercial advertising.
C. This section shall not be deemed to prohibit the use of motorists' services information of a general nature on official highway guide signs, if the signs do not indicate the brand, trademark or name of any private business or commercial enterprise offering the service, nor shall this section be deemed to prohibit the erection upon private property adjacent to highways of signs giving useful directional information and of a type that cannot be mistaken for official signs.
D. Every prohibited sign, signal or marking is declared to be a public nuisance, and the Traffic Engineer is empowered to remove the same or cause it to be removed without notice. (1968 Code §6-17-12; Ord. 75-86; Ord. 01-42)
No person shall, without lawful authority, attempt to or in fact alter, deface, injure, knock down or remove any official traffic control device, any railroad sign or signal, or any inscription, shield or insignia, or any other part. (1968 Code §6-17-13; Ord. 01-42)