10.15.101: Installation Of Parking Meters
10.15.102: Design Of Parking Meters
10.15.103: Parking Meter Spaces
10.15.104: Deposit Of Coins Or Tokens; Time Limits; Prohibitions
10.15.105: Tampering With Meter
10.15.106: Permits For Extended Use Of Parking Meters
10.15.107: Collection Of Monies
Whenever parking meters have been installed on streets or in parking areas regulated by this City, as authorized in chapter 14 of this Code, the parking of vehicles at places, streets or parts of streets so designated, shall be controlled by parking meters between the hours and on the days declared on authorized parking meter signs or legends. (1968 Code §6-15-1; Ord. 75-86; Ord. 01-42)
Parking meters installed as provided in this chapter shall be so designed, constructed, installed and set as to meet the following conditions:
A. The meters shall be capable of being operated, either automatically or mechanically, upon the deposit of one (1) or more coins of United States currency or authorized tokens, for the full period of time for which parking is lawfully permitted in any parking meter zone or, for an appropriate fractional period of time.
B. Upon the expiration of the time period registered by the deposit of one (1) or more coins or authorized tokens as provided, the meters will indicate by an appropriate signal that the lawful parking meter period has expired, and during the period of time and prior to the expiration, will indicate the interval of time which remains of the period.
C. Each parking meter shall bear an authorized sign or message clearly legible indicating the days and hours when the requirement to deposit coins or tokens shall apply, the value of the coins or tokens to be deposited, and the limited period of time for which parking is lawfully permitted in the parking meter zone in which the meter is located. (1968 Code §6-15-2; Ord. 75-86; Ord. 01-42)
A. Parking meter spaces shall be of appropriate length and width as determined by an engineering and traffic investigation, and may be designated by appropriate markings upon the curb and/or pavement of the street.
B. Every vehicle shall be parked wholly within a metered space with the front (or rear in the case of double meters) portion of the vehicle immediately opposite the parking meter for the space.
C. Except where prohibited by other provisions of this chapter, a vehicle which is of a size too large to be parked within a single parking meter space, shall be permitted to occupy two (2) adjoining parking meter spaces when coins or tokens shall have been deposited in the parking meter for each space so occupied as is required in this chapter for the parking of other vehicles in the space.
D. Two (2) motorcycles shall be allowed to park within one (1) angle parking metered space and three (3) within one (1) parallel parking metered space provided all are within the marked space. Any person parking the motorcycle shall be responsible for any parking violations as provided in this chapter. (1968 Code §6-15-3; Ord. 75-86; Ord. 01-42)