   A.   Persons employed by the Police Department as peace officers shall exercise law enforcement authority as given to peace officers by the laws of the State of Colorado. Persons employed by the Police Department as peace officers shall have the authority to enforce all ordinances and laws, whether Federal, State or local. The jurisdiction of any peace officer employed by the Police Department shall extend to all areas within the City limits, upon all property owned, leased or rented by the City, in all places involving fresh pursuit and to all places as exigencies may require as provided by municipal, statutory or case law and public policy.
   B.   The Police Department may render assistance to members of the Fire Department by giving alarms in case of fire and by clearing the streets or grounds in the immediate vicinity of the fire so that members of the Fire Department shall not be hindered or obstructed in the performance of their duties. (Ord. 856; 1968 Code §7-21; 1980 Code; Ord. 01-42)
8.1.202: OATH OF OFFICE:
Upon issuance of a State of Colorado POST certification, each officer of the Police Department shall take an oath to support the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Colorado and the Charter of the City of Colorado Springs, and to faithfully perform the duties and assignments of an officer of the Police Department 1 . (1968 Code §7-37; Ord. 77-78; Ord. 01-42)



1. See City Charter section 13-30.
   A.   No uniformed member of the Police Department shall neglect or refuse to perform any duty required by the ordinances of the City, or the rules and regulations of the Police Department, or shall, in the official discharge of duties, be guilty of any fraud, extortion, oppression, favoritism or other wrongful conduct.
   B.   No employee of the Police Department, uniformed or civilian, shall receive any gifts, money or thing of value, or derive any profits, benefit or advantage, direct or indirect, from any suspect, defendant or prisoner by reason of being an employee of the Police Department, or for any services rendered by that person as an employee of the Department.
   C.   Private or public rewards offered from outside City limits may be claimed and collected by any employee of the Police Department, but shall be turned over to the Chief of Police immediately. A public record shall be kept by the Chief of all rewards, and the Chief shall immediately render one-half (1/2) of the reward collected to the individual earning the reward and the other one-half (1/2) shall be paid over to the police pension fund. (Ord. 856; 1968 Code §§7-31, 7-33; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 08-103)
   A.   The Mayor may appoint any person in the employment of the City as a special police officer with appropriate powers pertaining to the special department or activity. No person shall receive additional pay from the City for special services.
   B.   The Mayor may appoint, or may delegate to the Chief of Police the authority to appoint, on written application, any person as a special police officer or special investigator, and shall keep a correct list of all appointed persons. Persons appointed are peace officers, and, pursuant to the discretion of the Chief of Police, volunteers or employees for the City of Colorado Springs. Persons appointed shall conform to and be subject to all rules and regulations governing the Police Department of the City and to all special rules and regulations as the Chief may make concerning special police officers. They shall possess only those powers, privileges and duties as specified in the letter of appointment by the Mayor or the Chief, and may be removed or discharged from service at any time by the Mayor or the Chief without cause 1 .
   C.   The Chief of Police may appoint any person who is officially retired from employment as a peace officer to the position of special investigator for the Police Department. Special investigators are peace officers and, pursuant to the discretion of the Chief of Police, volunteers or employees for the City of Colorado Springs. Special investigators shall conform to and be subject to all rules and regulations governing the Police Department of the City and to any special rules and regulations as the Chief of Police may make concerning special investigators. They shall possess only those powers, privileges and duties as specified in the letter of appointment by the Chief of Police, and they may be removed or discharged from service at any time by the Chief without cause.
   D.   For the purposes of subsection C of this section, an "officially retired" peace officer shall mean a person:
      1.   Who was employed full time by a local, State or Federal law enforcement agency; and
      2.   Who was defined by the laws of the State of Colorado, or of another state, or the laws of the United States as a peace officer by virtue of that employment; and
      3.   Who has officially retired in good standing from employment with that law enforcement agency.
   E.   The term "special police officer" used in this section shall include appointments of persons as "special police" or "special police officer" made by the Mayor, or the Chief of Police under prior provisions of this section. (Ord. 856; Ord. 1104; 1968 Code §§7-16, 7-17; Ord. 89-85; Ord. 00-152; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 10-65; Ord. 11-19)



1. This section should be distinguished from the City's General Licensing Code relating to the licensing of private security officers. The term "private security services" refers to a private business providing protection to persons or property which operates under a license issued by the City Clerk. Private security officers are not appointed by the Mayor.
8.1.301: Reserve Police Created
8.1.302: Appointment, Compensation
8.1.303: Authority
8.1.304: Supervision
8.1.305: Oath Of Office
8.1.306: Resignation And Removal
8.1.307: Uniforms And Equipment
There is hereby created the reserve police, which shall consist of a number of persons determined by the Chief of Police. (1968 Code §7-34; Ord. 77-78; Ord. 01-42)
The members of the reserve police shall be appointed by the Chief of Police. Each member shall be designated a reserve police officer and shall serve without pay. (1968 Code §§7-34, 7-35; Ord. 77-78; Ord. 01-42)