There is hereby established a Police Department 1 which shall consist of the Chief of Police and command, officer and supervisory police officers and civilian employees as the Chief of Police and Mayor deem necessary for the efficient operation of the department. The maximum number of employees in the Department shall be prescribed by City Council. (Ord. 856; 1968 Code §7-3; 1980 Code; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 11-19)
1 | 1. For authority to establish Department, see City Charter section 5-10. |
A. The Chief of Police shall be appointed by the Mayor in accord with the provisions of the City Charter 1 .
B. Deputy Chiefs shall be appointed by the Chief of Police with the consent of the Mayor and shall serve at the will and pleasure of the Chief of Police. The duties of the Deputy Chiefs shall be as prescribed by the Mayor and Chief of Police. The position of Deputy Chief shall not be included in the classified civil service.
C. All uniformed members of the Police Department shall be appointed in accord with the provisions of the City Charter, the civil service provisions of the City and the civil service rules adopted and in force at the time of appointment 2 .
D. An individual appointed to the position of Chief of Police or Deputy Chief from a position in the City's classified civil service may be reassigned by the Mayor to a position in the classified civil service at the rank held in the classified civil service at the time of appointment. In the event of reassignment, time spent in the position of Chief of Police or Deputy Chief shall be counted as active classified civil service for the purpose of reestablishing all terms and conditions of employment in the classified civil service. (Ord. 856; Ord. 1104; 1968 Code §§7-5, 7-6; 1980 Code; Ord. 85-283; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 11-19)
1 | 2. See City Charter section 4-40. |
2 | 3. See City Charter section 4-40; civil service provisions, City Charter sections 14-10 to 14-40. |
The Mayor shall have general management and supervision and the Chief of Police shall have the direct management and supervision of all matters relating to the Police Department and of all subordinate officers and employees 1 . (Ord. 856; Ord. 1104; 1968 Code §7-6; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 11-19)
1 | 1. See City Charter section 4-20. |