All purchases of and contracts for supplies and services, and all sales of personal property which has become obsolete and unusable shall, except as otherwise specifically provided in this part, be based whenever possible on competitive bids. (Ord. 11-18)
   A.   The provisions of this section shall not apply to the purchase of justified sole source items. Purchases of supplies, materials, equipment and services having an estimated value of less than the formal competition threshold specified in the City Procurement Rules and Regulations may be made using informal bidding procedures in accord with the procurement rules and regulations.
   B.   Notice inviting bids or proposals shall be published and advertised in accord with the City Procurement Rules and Regulations. Notice shall include a general description of the articles to be purchased or sold, a statement as to where solicitation documents may be obtained, and the time and place where the bids will be opened or proposals received.
   C.   Each bid or proposal shall be submitted in accord with the instructions in the solicitation to the Manager in a sealed envelope. All bids shall be opened in public at the time and place specified in the solicitation, and a tabulation of all bids received posted for public inspection on the City's website. All proposals shall be received by the time and date specified in the request for proposal. Information regarding the names and number of proposals received will not be made known to the public until an award is announced, in accord with the City Procurement Rules and Regulations.
   D.   The Manager may reject all bids, under the conditions defined in the City's Procurement Rules and Regulations. The Manager shall not accept the bid or proposal of any contractor who is currently suspended or debarred from doing business with the City as per the City Procurement Rules and Regulations.
All bids and proposals shall be handled, reviewed and evaluated, and any bid accepted or awarded shall be in strict accord with the City Procurement Rules and Regulations. (Ord. 11-18)
Except in cases of an emergency, the Manager shall not issue any order for delivery on a contract or open market purchase until the proper officer, group or department director or manager certifies, after preaudit, that there is to the credit of the using agency concerned a sufficient appropriation balance, in excess of all unpaid obligations, to defray the cost of the contract or open market purchase. (Ord. 11-18)
The Manager shall have the authority to join with other units of government in cooperative purchasing plans when the best interests of the City would be served. (Ord. 11-18)
1.5.209: EXCLUSIONS 1 :
Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the provisions of this part shall not be applicable to the leasing, rental, acquisition or disposition of real property, or to attorney retention contracts. (Ord. 11-18)



1. See the supersession provisions of sections 1.1.111 and 1.1.112 of this chapter which are applicable to this part.
1.5.301: Disbursement Vouchers Required
1.5.302: Drawing Of Checks; Procedures



1. Prior ordinance history: 1968 Code §3-3g; Ord. 76-54; Ord. 01-42.
No City funds or monies shall be expended or disbursed except by vouchers approved by the Chief Financial Officer or the officer's designee. Minor cash disbursements from a petty cash fund to be established by vouchers drawn to that account and approved by the Chief Financial Officer or the officer's designee may be made. The Chief Financial Officer may designate a person to approve the vouchers in the name of the officer, and when so approved, the vouchers shall be to all effects and purposes as if approved by the officer. (Ord. 11-18)