Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the provisions of this part shall not be applicable to the leasing, rental, acquisition or disposition of real property, or to attorney retention contracts. (Ord. 11-18)
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No City funds or monies shall be expended or disbursed except by vouchers approved by the Chief Financial Officer or the officer's designee. Minor cash disbursements from a petty cash fund to be established by vouchers drawn to that account and approved by the Chief Financial Officer or the officer's designee may be made. The Chief Financial Officer may designate a person to approve the vouchers in the name of the officer, and when so approved, the vouchers shall be to all effects and purposes as if approved by the officer. (Ord. 11-18)
The Mayor and the Chief Financial Officer shall sign all checks drawn upon accounts of the City.
A. Each check shall state the particular fund or appropriation to which it is chargeable and the person to whom payable.
B. It shall be the duty of the Chief Financial Officer to see that proper authority has been granted by ordinance, contract, Council action or otherwise for the payment of all amounts for which checks are issued and that no check exceeds the appropriation upon which it is drawn.
C. The department, division, office or agency director or manager or City Council approving each item shall ensure that the labor has been performed, the goods, wares and merchandise involved have been received and that the price is proper. (Ord. 11-18)