Junk dealers shall deal only with persons whom are personally known to them and of whose identification they are certain. The dealers shall promptly give to any officer, upon request, information to enable the seller to be identified. Dealing with strangers or failing to give such information on demand shall render such dealer guilty of violation of this subchapter.
(`83 Code, § 5-708)
Statutory reference:
Duty to give information as to identification of sellers, see Tenn. Code Ann. § 62-9-104
(A) It shall be unlawful for any dealer in secondhand merchandise to open his or her place of business for the transaction of business before 6:00 a.m. or to keep his or her place of business open for the transaction of business after 8:00 p.m. on any weekday, except Saturday, on which day it shall be lawful for any dealer in secondhand merchandise to keep his or her place of business open not later than 11:00 p.m.
(B) Nothing contained in this section shall be construed so as to make it lawful to conduct the business of a dealer in secondhand merchandise on Sunday.
(`83 Code, § 5-801) Penalty, see § 10.99
No property purchased by any dealer in secondhand merchandise shall be sold, disposed of or removed from the place of business of such dealer for at least 48 hours after the required reports have been delivered to the Chief of Police.
(`83 Code, § 5-802)
Statutory reference:
Retention of secondhand automobile tires and accessories, see Tenn. Code Ann. § 55-14-102
Each dealer in secondhand merchandise of every kind and description shall prepare and deliver to the Chief of Police, before 9:00 a.m. each day, a report containing a legible and correct description of each and every article or piece of merchandise purchased during the preceding day, together with the name, color, sex and address of the person from whom such property was purchased.
(`83 Code, § 5-803)
Statutory reference:
Duty of dealers in secondhand automobile tires and accessories to make daily reports to Police headquarters, see Tenn. Code Ann. § 55-14-101
No dealer in secondhand merchandise shall purchase or otherwise receive from any minor under the age of 16 years any property of any kind, nor shall he or she deal with any minor 16 years of age or over without the written consent of such minor’s parent or guardian.
(`83 Code, § 5-804)
Dealers in secondhand books shall deal only with persons known personally to them and whose identification they are certain. They shall promptly give to any officer inquiring about it information to enable the seller to be identified and dealing with strangers or failing to give such information on demand shall render the dealer guilty of a misdemeanor.
(`83 Code, § 5-805)