Dealers in secondhand books shall deal only with persons known personally to them and whose identification they are certain. They shall promptly give to any officer inquiring about it information to enable the seller to be identified and dealing with strangers or failing to give such information on demand shall render the dealer guilty of a misdemeanor.
(`83 Code, § 5-805)
(A) Every dealer in secondhand merchandise, at the time of buying or receiving any article in such business, shall write a description of the article on the front side of a blank form card, three inches by five inches in size, which card shall be provided by the dealer. The description to be given of the article shall be such description as may be called for by such blank form. The secondhand dealer shall fill in such other blank spaces as may appear on the front side of such blank form card, with certain information as required in this section. A separate card shall be provided and used for each such article bought or received.
(B) On the back side of each blank card there shall be written by the person transferring any article to a secondhand dealer, in his or her own handwriting, his or her name and address and such person shall also reproduce thereon his or her right thumb print at the place indicated therefore on the back of such card. In the event the right thumb is amputated, then such other fingerprint as required by the secondhand dealer shall be taken and such fingerprint fully described and designated upon the card. The thumb print shall be reproduced and taken in the usual approved manner and shall not be blurred or obliterated. The secondhand dealer shall then fill in a description of the party so transferring any such article in accordance with the information requested on the back side of such blank card.
(`83 Code, § 5-806)
Statutory reference:
Records to be kept of purchase of used automobile parts and accessories, see Tenn. Code Ann. § 55-14-105
The blank cards provided for in § 113.25 shall be four separate types: one type for watches only, which card shall be blue in color; one type for jewelry and diamonds only, which card shall be yellow in color; one type for clothing, which shall be pink in color; one type for all other secondhand articles not herein enumerated and shall be denominated miscellaneous articles, which card shall be white.
(`83 Code, § 5-807)
The cards provided for by this chapter shall be on such forms as are prescribed by the Chief of Police and shall contain such information as required by him or her as to specific items or property purchased or otherwise received by the secondhand dealer.
(`83 Code, § 5-808)
The back side of all types of cards required by this subchapter shall be in the following form and contain the following printed matter thereon:
Description of customer (to be filled out by dealer)
Description of customer (to be filled out by dealer)
Sex ___ Age____ Height, ft._____ in.____ Weight, lbs.
Race or Nationality_______________ Clothing
Right Thumb
(`83 Code, § 5-809)
Every secondhand dealer shall fill in the proper type of card for each article bought or transferred to him or her and he or she shall deliver to the Chief of Police, or his or her designee, every day, before the hour of 12:00 noon, all such cards describing the secondhand goods, articles or things bought, received or transferred to such secondhand dealer during the preceding day. The cards may be mailed to the office of the Chief of Police, or his or her designee, in lieu of personal delivery if the envelope in which the same are mailed bears the post date of the day in which such property was received.
(`83 Code, § 5-810)