A.   Definitions:
AVAILABLE OVERNIGHT SHELTER: A public or private shelter with overnight space, open to an individual or family unit experiencing homelessness at no charge. If an individual cannot utilize the overnight shelter due to voluntary actions such as intoxication, drug use, unruly behavior, or violation of shelter rules, the overnight shelter space shall be considered available.
CAMP OR CAMPING: 1. Setting up or remaining in or at a site for the purpose of establishing or maintaining a temporary or permanent place of dwelling, lodging, residence, or living accommodation; or
      2.   Sleeping or otherwise being in or adjacent to a tent or sleeping bag, or atop and/or covered by materials such as bedroll, blanket, cardboard, newspapers, or the like, or inside some form of temporary shelter; or
      3.   Sleeping out of doors; or
      4.   Cooking over an open flame or fire out of doors; or
      5.   Bathing in public for purposes of personal hygiene, except in facilities provided for such purposes; or
      6.   Utilizing a tent or other temporary structure for the storage of personal belongings.
CAMPSITE: Any place where any bedding, sleeping bag, or other sleeping matter, or any stove or fire is established or maintained, or where personal belongings are stored, whether such place incorporates the use of any tent, lean-to, shack, or other structure, or vehicle or part thereof.
PUBLIC PROPERTY: All property owned, leased or maintained by the City, including the entire width of any highway, roadway, street, or alley publicly owned and/or maintained, sidewalks, trails, parks, beaches, boardwalks or docks, restrooms, parking structures, pavilions, or the like.
TEMPORARY SHELTER: Any RV, camper, tent, tarp, trailer, lean-to, vehicle or vehicle part, or other structure of any material.
   B.   Prohibition:
      1.   It is unlawful for any person to camp, or to establish or maintain a campsite, overnight or longer in or on any public property.
   C.   Exceptions: The prohibition of this section shall not apply to:
      1.   Persons receiving prior written permission from the City; or
      2.   Sleeping in an RV on any highway, roadway, or street adjacent to a residential property with the permission of the owner or occupant of said residential property, provided, such use may be for a maximum of one week in each calendar year; or
      3.   Sleeping or cooking in a public park or beach on a temporary basis, during normal hours of operation, in conjunction with the recreational use of such park or beach; or
      4.   If there is no available overnight shelter. (Ord. 3531, 2016)