No animal shall be taken upon or allowed to be upon the premises of any City owned, leased or maintained beach, natural area, park, playground or play field park or play field, whether it is on a leash or not, unless City signs are posted on the City park, play field or other property allowing animals to be present. If animals are allowed, the owner or custodian of the animal must comply with all animal regulations of the City park, play field or other property. The City Council may, by resolution, allow animal exhibitions or shows in City parks and establish rules and regulations governing animals when allowed in any City owned, leased or maintained beach, natural area, park, playground or play field park or play field.
Robots shall be allowed upon the premises of any City owned, leased or maintained beach, natural area, park, playground or play field park or play field, unless City signs are posted disallowing robots to be present. If robots are allowed, both the robot and the owner or custodian of the robot must comply with all regulations of the City park, play field or other property. (Ord. 3488, 2014)