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10-1-1 Short Title
10-1-11 Stop Work Order
10-1-2 Purpose
10-1-12 Deletions
10-1-3 Warning
10-1-13 Amendments to Administration
10-1-4 Interpretation
10-1-14 Amendments to International Residential Code
10-1-5 Adoption
10-1-15 Amendments to International Building Code
10-1-6 Scope
10-1-16 Conflicting Provisions
10-1-7 Indemnification
10-1-17 Site Maintenance
10-1-8 Permit Requirements, Conditions, and Fees
10-1-18 Street Protection
10-1-9 Building Official
10-1-19 Violations
10-1-10 Inspection
10-1-20 Appeals
   This chapter shall be known as the Clive Building Code, and may be cited as such and may also be known, referred to, and cited as the “Building Code.”
10-1-2 PURPOSE.
   It is the purpose of this chapter to require architects, builders, contractors, property owners, their agents, and others to meet their responsibilities with respect to proper construction, construction techniques, and premises safety, and to provide for inspection as a means of compelling compliance therewith. It is not the purpose of this chapter to create any duty on the part of the City, its officers, agents, or employees, owing to any individual member of the public or to protect any particular or circumscribed class of persons. Specifically, it is not the intent of this chapter to create any duty or liability by the City, its officers, agents, or employees, to premises occupants, owners, tenants, or any other person.
10-1-3 WARNING.
   No person shall place reliance upon this chapter, any inspections performed, or certificates issued pursuant to this chapter as indicating the safety of or quality of construction of any particular premises. Neither this chapter, nor inspections made pursuant thereto, nor certificates issued are intended to assume the duty of any person to adequately construct and maintain a premises or provide a safe premises or to, in any way, indicate a decrease in the risk associated with the use or occupancy of any premises. A certification that a premise has been inspected pursuant to this chapter shall not in any way constitute a warranty or guarantee of the safety or quality of that premises.