1.   Table R301.2 Climatic and Geographic Design Criteria: Insert the following table:
Ground Snow Load
Wind Design
Seismic Design Category
Subject to Damage From
Winter Design Temp.
Ice Barrier Underlayment required
Flood Hazard
Air Freezing Index
Mean Annual Temp.
Frost Line Depth
Ice Barrier Required.
NFIP Adoption
Topographic effects
30 psf
Feb 2019
48.6 oF
   2.   Section R302.1 Exterior walls: Delete all exceptions and insert the following in lieu thereof:
      A.   Accessory buildings 75 square feet or less do not require a fire rating when placed adjacent to the principal dwelling or another accessory building. Accessory buildings larger than 75 square feet which are located less than five feet from a principal dwelling or another accessory building larger than 75 square feet are required to have five-eighth inch type X gypsum board installed throughout the accessory building. This includes all walls and ceilings. All accessory building setbacks from property lines shall follow table R302.1(1) and R302.1(2). If a wall rating is required, the entire walls and ceiling of the accessory building shall be protected with five-eighth inch type X gypsum board.
   3.   Table R302.6 Dwelling/Garage Separation. Delete the table and insert the table below:
From the residence and attics
5/8-inch type X gypsum board or equivalent - applied to the garage side
From all habitable rooms above the garage and structure(s) supporting floor/ceiling assemblies used for separation required by this section
5/8-inch type X gypsum board or equivalent applied throughout garage
Accessory buildings larger than 75 square feet, including garages, located less than five feet from a dwelling unit or another accessory building greater than 75 square feet on the same lot
5/8-inch type X gypsum board or equivalent applied throughout the interior (walls and ceiling)
   4.   Section R302.13 Fire Protection of Floors. Delete Section R302.13, exception #4 and insert in lieu thereof the following new exception:
      A.   4. Approved floor assemblies demonstrating equivalent fire performance by an approved testing company showing length and time duration for exposure to fire. It shall be defined by performance equivalent to 26 minutes using ASTM E119 standard fire endurance testing with a superimposed load simulating a maximum load condition (i.e. 100 percent design load).
   5.   Section R303.3 Bathrooms. Delete Section R303.3 and insert in lieu thereof the following new section:
      A.   R303.3 Bathrooms. Bathrooms, water closet compartments, and similar rooms shall be provided with natural or artificial light and be provided with a mechanical ventilation system. The minimum ventilation rates shall be 50 cubic feet per minute (24 L/s) for intermittent ventilation or 20 cubic feet per minute (10 L/s) for continuous ventilation. Ventilation air from the space shall be exhausted directly to the outside.
   6.   Section R310.1 Emergency Escape and Rescue Opening Required. Delete the words “habitable attics” from the first sentence and replace it with “habitable stories above and below grade.”
   7.   Section R310.1 Emergency Escape and Rescue Opening Required. Add the following exception:
      A.   4. Habitable stories below the base flood elevation within flood hazard areas as determined by the City’s floodplain manager.
   8.   Section R310.2.1 Minimum Size. Add the following subsection:
      A.   Section 310.2.1.1 Removals. Removal of a window sash to gain a larger clear opening size is not permitted.
   9.   Section R310.2.3 Maximum Height from Floor. Add the following exception:
      A.   A landing may be provided to meet the maximum sill height of 44 inches above the floor or landing provided. The landing shall be not less than 36 inches wide, not less than 12 inches out from the exterior wall, and not more than 24 inches in height. The landing shall be permanently affixed to the floor below or the wall under the window it serves.
   10.   Section R310.4.3 Drainage. Add the following subsection:
      A.   Section R310.4.3.1 Sump Pump or Other: All area wells shall be designed for proper drainage by connecting to the perimeter foundation drainage system or another approved alternate means. The drainage system shall connect to a sump pit that contains a pump that will discharge the drainage to a storm sewer. Stormwater shall not discharge into the sanitary sewer system. Alternate discharge may be approved if a storm sewer service has not been provided to the property.
   11.   Section R310.5 Replacement Windows for Emergency Escape and Rescue Openings. Delete this section and insert the following language:
      A.   Where replacement windows are required to provide emergency escape and rescue openings, the replacement windows shall meet all the following conditions:
         (1)   Buildings built prior to January 1, 1972:
            a.   The replacement window is the manufacturer’s largest standard size window that will fit within the existing frame or existing rough opening. The replacement window is of the same operating style as the existing window or a style that provides for an equal or greater window opening area than the existing window.
            b.   The minimum net clear opening height shall be 20 inches and the minimum net clear opening width shall be 20 inches.
            c.   In no case shall the replacement window provide less than four-point zero square feet of net clear opening.
            d.   The bottom of the clear opening of the replacement window shall not be greater than 48 inches above the finished floor or Code-approved window platform.
   Exception. Existing window openings that open directly to existing finished grade level are allowed up to 52 inches above the finished floor or Code approved window platform to accommodate existing taller foundations.
         (2)   Buildings built after January 1, 1972:
            a.   The replacement window is the manufacturer’s largest standard size window that will fit within the existing frame or existing rough opening. The replacement window is of the same operating style as the existing window or a style that provides for an equal or greater window opening area than the existing window.
            b.   In no case shall the measurement from the bottom of the window opening to the finished floor and minimum net opening width and height requirements be less than the Code applicable when the building was built.
   12.   Section R310.6 Dwelling Additions. Delete exception #3.
   13.   Section R310.7 Alterations or Repairs of Existing Basements. Delete this section and replace with the following language.
      A.   New sleeping rooms and new habitable stories below grade, that are newly created in an existing basement, shall be provided with emergency escape and rescue openings in accordance with Section R310.1. If the sleeping rooms or other habitable spaces contain existing windows in compliance with R310.7.1 of this Code, the existing windows shall be considered compliant.
   14.   Section R310.7.1 Existing Emergency Escape and Rescue Openings. Delete this section and insert the following language:
      A.   Where a change of occupancy would require an emergency escape and rescue opening at locations identified within the International Residential Code, existing operable windows serving as the emergency escape and rescue opening shall meet all the following conditions:
         (1)   Buildings built prior to January 1, 1972:
            a.   The window is the manufacturer’s largest standard size window that will fit within the existing frame or existing rough opening. The window is of the same operating style as the existing window or a style that provides for an equal or greater window opening area than the existing window.
            b.   The minimum net clear opening height shall be 20 inches and the minimum net clear opening width shall be 20 inches.
            c.   In no case shall the window provide less than four-point zero square feet of net clear opening.
            d.   The bottom of the clear opening of the window shall not be greater than 48 inches above the finished floor or Code-approved window platform.
   Exception. Existing window openings that open directly to existing finished grade level are allowed up to 52 inches above the finished floor or Code-approved window platform to accommodate existing taller foundations.
         (2)   Buildings built after January 1, 1972:
            a.   The window is the manufacturer’s largest standard size window that will fit within the existing frame or existing rough opening. The window is of the same operating style as the existing window or a style that provides for an equal or greater window opening area than the existing window.
            b.   In no case shall the measurement from the bottom of the window opening to the finished floor and minimum net opening width and height requirements be less than the Code applicable when the building was built.
   15.   Section R311.3 Floors and Landings at Exterior Doors. Add the following sub-section:
      A.   Section R311.3.4 Frost Protection of Landings. Exterior landings at doors shall be provided with frost protection per table 301.2.
   16.   Section R311.3.2 Floor Elevations at Other Exterior Doors. Delete the exception and insert in lieu thereof the following new exception:
      A.   A top landing is not required where a stairway of not more than four risers is located on the exterior side of a door, provided the door does not swing over the stairway.
   17.   Section R311.7.5.1 Risers. Add the following exception:
      A.   The dimensions of the top and bottom riser of a stair may vary up to one inch (25.4 mm) from the stairway riser dimension. In no case shall the riser height exceed the maximum height of seven and three-fourths inches.
   18.   Section R311.7.8.4 Continuity. Add the following exception:
      A.   Handrails within a dwelling unit or serving a dwelling unit shall be permitted to be interrupted at one location in a straight stair. The rail may terminate into a wall or ledge. The extension of rail after the termination shall immediately continue.
   19.   Section R313.1 Townhouse Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems. Delete section R313.1 and insert in lieu thereof the following new section:
      A.   R313.1 Townhouse Automatic Fire Sprinkler System. An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall be installed in townhouses.
         (1)   Exceptions:
            a.   1. Townhouse structures that contain eight or less dwelling units.
            b.   2. Townhouse structures less than 18,000 square feet of floor space. The calculation of square footage is inclusive of any attached garages and exclusive of any unenclosed spaces.
   20.   Section R313.2 One- and Two-Family Dwellings Automatic Fire Systems. Delete Section R313.2 and insert in lieu thereof the following new section:
      A.   R313.2 One- and Two-Family Dwellings Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems. An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall be installed in one- and two-family dwellings.
         (1)   Exception:
            a.   One- and two-family dwellings containing less than 8,000 square feet of floor space. The calculation of square footage is inclusive of attached garages and exclusive of any unenclosed areas.
   21.   Section R314.3: Smoke Alarm Location. Add the following:
      A.   Immediate vicinity shall mean the following distances from the alarm to the bedroom door.
         (1)   25 feet for alarms with primary power from building wiring
         (2)   10 feet for battery operated alarms
      B.   In theater rooms, exercise rooms, and mechanical rooms. Mechanical closets less than 16 square feet are exempt from the requirement of having a smoke alarm within the closet if another smoke detector is located within the immediate vicinity of the closet door as determined above.
   22.   Section R315.3 Carbon Monoxide Alarm Location. Add the following language:
      A.   Immediate vicinity shall mean the following distances from the alarm to the bedroom door.
         (1)   25 feet for alarms with primary power from building wiring or per manufacturer recommendations, whichever is less.
         (2)   10 feet for battery operated alarms or per manufacturer recommendations, whichever is less.
   23.   Section R315.5 Carbon Monoxide Alarm Interconnectivity. Delete the exception.
   24.   Section R322.1 Flood Resistant Construction. Add the following exception:
      A.   Buildings and structures constructed in whole, or in part, in flood hazard areas, and substantial improvements and restoration of substantial damage of buildings and structures in flood hazard areas, shall also be regulated in accordance with Chapter 11 of the Zoning Ordinance.
   25.   Section R322.1.3 Flood-Resistant Construction. Add the following sub-sections:
      A.   Section R322.1.3.1 Foundation Protection. Fill Materials Used to Elevate Buildings within the Regulatory Floodplain. All proposed fill materials used for elevating and backfilling new buildings and additions within the regulatory floodplain shall:
         (1)   Be designed by a registered design professional in accordance with Section 1803 (Geotechnical Investigations) and Section 1804.5 (Grading and Fill in Flood Hazard Areas) of the 2021 International Building Code, or ASCE 24, or equivalent.
         (2)   Be designed for protection against erosion and scour.
         (3)   Be inspected and tested by a qualified geotechnical material testing agency.
   26.   Section R322.1.3.2 Foundation Protection. Local Drainage. Foundation drainage within the regulatory floodplain shall be done in accordance with Section R401.3 Drainage.
   27.   Section R322.1.3.3 Minimum Protection Elevation. When an engineer has designed a minimum protection elevation for a given lot within or not within a flood hazard area, the lowest building opening(s) shall be placed above this elevation. An elevation survey shall be completed by the owner/builder of said lot and the as-built drawing shall be submitted to the City for review and for record keeping purposes.
      A.   Exception. Basement window openings may be placed below the minimum protection elevation, provided that a waterproof, concrete window well is installed to an elevation which meets or exceeds the prescribed minimum protection elevation. The concrete window well shall have standard building footings for support and shall match the foundation wall for thickness and design. The window well shall be poured with the basement wall to create a seamless transition and the outside surface of the window well shall be waterproofed to the same extent as the foundation walls.
   28.   Add section R401.5 As-built Foundation Survey. Any foundation, which supports roof loads, that is closer than one foot from a required setback line or easement line, shall be surveyed in place. An as-built drawing shall be submitted to the City for review and for record-keeping purposes.
   29.   Section R403.1.1 Minimum Size. Amend this section by adding the new paragraph and table below.
      A.   Assuming 2000 psf is required for the footing, the following adjusted footing dimensions and reinforcement may be used for the soil conditions specified in the table below, unless specific engineering problems exist. The dimensions specified in this table are typically accepted dimensions for conventionally designed single-family dwelling structures of one or two stories in height, intended to be constructed on undisturbed, non-expansive soils.
Soil Bearing Pressure
Conventional Footing and Reinforcement
2,000 psf
8”x16” with two #4 reinforcement bars
1,850 psf
9”x20” with two #4 reinforcement bars
1,500 psf
10”x20” with two #5 reinforcement bars
1,250 psf
11”x28” with three #5 reinforcement bars
1,000 psf
12”x32” with three #5 reinforcement bars
   30.   Section R403.1.4.1 Frost Protection. Delete Exceptions 1 and 2 and insert the following in lieu thereof:
      A.   Protection of freestanding accessory buildings with an area of 400 square feet and under of light-framed construction and with an eave height of 10 feet or less shall not be required to have frost footings. A means of hold-down on a minimum of four corners shall be provided.
      B.   Protection of freestanding accessory buildings with an area of 400 square feet and under of other than light-framed construction and with an eave height of 10 feet or less shall have reinforced 12-inch by 12-inch thickened edge footings below a four-inch concrete slab. All vegetation or debris shall be removed and the area under the slab shall be provided with a minimum of three inches of compacted aggregate backfill.
      C.   Protection of freestanding accessory buildings with an area of 401 to 600 square feet of light-framed construction and with an eave height of 10 feet or less shall have reinforced 12-inch by 12-inch thickened edge footing below a four-inch concrete slab. All vegetation or debris shall be removed and the area under the slab shall be provided with a minimum of three inches of compacted aggregate backfill.
      D.   Protection of freestanding accessory buildings over 600 square feet shall meet the requirement of Table 301.2.
      E.   Decks not supported by a dwelling or accessed from a dwelling need not be provided with footings that extend below the frost line.
   31.   Section R404.1.3.2 Reinforcement for Foundation Walls. Add the following subsection:
      A.   Section R404. Cast-In-Place Concrete Foundation Walls (8’-10’ Walls).
         (1)   Cast-in-place concrete foundation walls shall be of concrete having a minimum compressive strength of 3,000 pounds per square inch at 28 days. All materials, proportioning, and placing shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 19 of the IBC.
         In addition:
            a.   The minimum thickness of the wall shall be eight inches.
            b.   The reinforcing steel shall be a minimum of ASTM grade 40.
            c.   Minimum reinforcement for eight feet tall walls is three horizontal #4 bars, located at one foot, four feet, and seven feet from the bottom of the wall. Vertical bars shall be #4 bars placed every four feet on center.
            d.   The minimum reinforcement for over eight foot up to 10 foot tall walls is five horizontal #4 bars, located 24 inches on center and vertical reinforcement shall be #4 bars spaced at 20 inches on center or #5 bars spaced at 30 inches on center.
            e.   All wall reinforcement shall be located in the area from the center of the wall towards the inner face of the wall, with the minimum clearance being two inches from the inner face of the wall.
            f.   All reinforcement bar splices shall be lapped a minimum 20 times the bar diameter.
            g.   Bars shall bend around corners, and the minimum bend radius is six times the diameter of the bar.
            h.   Reinforcement around window and door openings shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 19 of the IBC.
            i.   Foundation drainage shall be provided. 12 inches of granular fill shall extend above the drainage pipe.
            j.   The wood sole plate shall be anchored to the top of the wall with a minimum of half-inch anchor bolts spaced a maximum of six feet on center. When the floor joists are parallel to the wall, solid blocking between the rim joist and the adjoining joist shall be provided, spaced at a maximum of six feet on center. Approved anchors shall be provided, spaced a maximum of six feet on center. Anchor bolts, solid blocking, and anchors shall be placed in close proximity to each other.
   32.   Section R405.2.3 Drainage System. Delete the last sentence and insert the following in lieu thereof:
      A.   The sump pump shall discharge to the provided storm sewer service line provided at the right-of-way or within an easement. Stormwater shall not discharge into the sanitary sewer system. Alternate discharge may be approved if a storm sewer service has not been provided to the property.
   33.   Section M1502.4.2 Dryer Duct Installation. Delete this section and insert the following in lieu thereof:
      A.   Exhaust ducts shall be supported at intervals not to exceed four feet, and shall be secured in place. The insert end of the duct shall extend into the adjoining duct or fitting in the direction of airflow. Exhaust duct joints shall be sealed in accordance with Section M1601.4.1 and shall be mechanically fastened. Ducts shall not be joined with screws or similar fasteners. Where dryer exhaust ducts are enclosed in a wall or ceiling cavities, such cavities shall be of sufficient size to allow the installation of the duct, without changing the configuration of the duct.
      B.   Exception. Dryer duct sections that are longer than four feet shall be supported minimally every six feet.
   34.   Section M1601.3 Duct Insulation Materials. Add the following:
      A.   5. The use of air-inflated/encapsulated duct wrap to achieve required R-values shall be prohibited.
   35.   Section M1601.4 Installations. Add the following subsection:
      A.   Section M1601.4.11 Air Plenum and Duct Separation. Air plenums and ducts located in the floor and wall cavities shall be separated from unconditioned spaces by construction with sufficient insulation to meet Energy Code requirements. The areas include, but are not limited to, exterior walls, cantilevered floors, and floors above garages.
   36.   Section M1602. Return Air. Add the following subsection.
      A.   Section M1602.3 Return Air Separation. Return air openings shall be located a minimum of four feet, measured in any direction, from a supply air diffuser.
   37.   Section G2414.4.4 Corrugated Stainless-Steel Tubing (CSST). Delete this section and replace with the following:
      A.   Arc resistant corrugated stainless steel tubing shall be listed in accordance with ANSI LC1 (Optional Section 5.16)/CSA 6.26.
   38.   Section G2415.2 CSST.
   Delete this section and replace with the following:
      A.   Only CSST with an Arc Resistant Jacket or Covering System listed in accordance with ANSI LC1 (Optional Section 5.16)/CSA 6.26-2016 shall be installed in accordance with the terms of its approval, the conditions of listing, the manufacturer’s instructions and this Code, including electrical bonding requirements in Section G2411. CSST shall not be used for through-wall penetrations from the point of delivery of the gas supply to the inside of the structure. CSST shall not be installed in locations where subject to physical damage unless protected in an approved manner.
   39.   Section P2904 Dwelling Unit Fire Sprinkler Systems. Adopt this section in full as a supplement to NFPA 13D. All sprinkler systems shall be installed per the Fire Department’s requirements and adoptions.
   40.   Appendix AM of the IRC.
   Home Day Care- R-3 Occupancy is hereby adopted in full.