111.01   Regular meetings.
111.02   Special meetings.
111.03   Emergency meetings.
111.04   Quorum.
111.05   Adjournment.
111.06   Meetings and records are public.
111.07   Organization.
111.08   President.
111.09   Absence of President.
111.10   Clerk.
111.11   Committees.
111.12   Business of Council.
111.13   Action of Council.
111.131   Consent agenda.
111.14   Enacting clause of ordinances or resolutions.
111.15   Subject and title of ordinances and resolutions.
111.16   Preparation of ordinances and resolutions.
111.17   Reference of proposed ordinances and resolutionsto committee.
111.18   Amendments.
111.19   Required number of copies of proposed legislation.
111.20   Reading of ordinances and suspension of rules.
111.21   Voting.
111.22   Authentication of ordinances and resolutions.
111.23   Publication of ordinances and resolutions.
111.24   Robert's Rules of Order.
111.25   Amendments of rules.
111.26   Dispensation of rules.
111.27   Exception to majority vote.
111.28   Resignations.
111.29   Codification of ordinances.
111.30   Authorized expense expenditures.
Organization and general provisions - see CHTR. Art. III
Powers of Council - see Ohio R.C. 731.05, 731.47
Ordinances and resolutions - see Ohio R.C. 731.17 et seq.
Public meetings - see ADM. Ch. 107