The agenda at any regular meeting of Council may include a Consent Agenda. The Consent Agenda may consist of ordinances and resolutions, acceptance of property and dedications, easement agreements, and such other items as Council determines. The Consent Agenda shall not include those items which impose a tax or propose a levy or question for popular consideration on the ballot or which would be prohibited by the City Charter or Ordinances. Any member of Council, for any reason, may request that an item on the Consent Agenda be removed, and if such request is made, the item shall be removed and placed on the regular agenda without discussion on that request. Action on any item on the consent portion of the agenda shall not eliminate the need for a greater majority vote if one is called for by the Charter or these Codified Ordinances. Action upon the Consent Agenda will require two motions: the first to suspend the rules under Chapter 111 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Cleveland Heights, and a second for approval or adoption of the items within the Consent Agenda. A vote upon adoption of the Consent Agenda operates as to all items on the Consent Agenda at the time the motion to approve or adopt is made. (Ord. 24-2020. Passed 3-16-20.)