(a) All meetings of Council, Council committees, commissions, boards, citizen advisory committees of Council, and other public bodies of the City shall be open to the public unless an executive session is authorized under the applicable provisions of this chapter. Nothing herein contained shall mandate that any public body of this City permit public participation in such open meetings unless specifically required by the provisions of the City Charter or these Codified Ordinances. (Ord. 42-2022. Passed 4-18-22.)
(b) Unless otherwise provided in the Codified Ordinances, all meetings of Council, boards and commissions, and other public bodies of the City shall be held at the Cleveland Heights City Hall, or at other public buildings or properties within the City. Subject to the approval of the City's chief executive officer, boards, commissions, and other public bodies of the City, unless otherwise provided in the Charter, may hold meetings, and members may attend and vote at meetings and may conduct and attend hearings, in-person and/or by means of teleconference, video conference, or other similar electronic technology, or any combination of in-person and electronic technology. All such meetings shall be open to the public and are deemed to be held at such public places as specifically prescribed in the Codified Ordinances, including the Cleveland Heights City Hall and/or at other public buildings or properties within the City, even if such meetings are held, or members of such public bodies attend and vote, by means of the technologies described above. Meetings held in executive session may be held at locations other than the City or school properties so long as proper notice of such meeting is given in the manner provided by Section 107.02. (Ord. 95-2022. Passed 6-21-22.)
(c) The Council, Council committees, commissions, boards, citizen advisory committees of Council, and other public bodies of the City may meet in executive session for all or a portion of any meeting for the consideration of any of the matters outlined immediately below:
(1) To consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion or compensation of any public employee or public official, the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee or contractee of the City or one who seeks to be an employee, licensee or contractee of the City.
(2) To consider the terms of purchase or lease of real or personal property for public purposes, or the terms of sale or lease of City owned real or personal property.
(3) To discuss with an attorney for the public body, claims or disputes involving the public body that are the subject of pending court action, or in the judgment of such attorney, appear likely to be the subject of a future court action or claim.
(4) Preparing for, conducting or reviewing negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees or their representatives concerning such employees compensation or other terms and conditions of their employment.
(5) Meetings required to be kept confidential by applicable Federal, State or local law or regulations.
(6) Discussions of security arrangements in existence, or plans for future security arrangements, dealing with the public safety, where such discussions might reveal information that could be used for the purpose of committing crimes or avoiding detection or prosecution for violations of the law.
(7) To consider the proposed terms of a contract between the City and a contractee or proposed contractee of the City, where the discussions of the terms or proposed terms of such contract in the judgment of an attorney for the City, might give an unfair competition advantage to such contractee, or be a detriment to the position of the City in securing contract terms.
(8) Where Council or a board or commission of the public body, is sitting to decide an issue or matter in a quasi-judicial proceeding, but only after all of the evidence to come before such body has been heard.
(9) Any matter for which an executive session may be held pursuant to the Ohio Revised Code.
(d) No vote of any kind may be taken of the members of a public body during an executive session of such body.
(Ord. 42-2022. Passed 4-18-22.)
(a) Regular Meetings. The time and place of all regular meetings of Council, Council committees, commissions, boards, citizen advisory committees of Council, and other similar public bodies of the City shall be noted in a calendar of monthly meetings. The calendar shall be posted on the Internet via the City’s website and at City Hall, either electronically or in paper form. Amendments to the monthly calendar shall be posted, either electronically or in paper form, at the City Hall not less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to any meeting added to the calendar, except in the case of emergency meetings.
(b) Special Meetings. Notice of the time, place and purpose of special meetings of Council, Council committees, commissions, boards, citizen advisory committees of Council, and other similar public bodies of the City shall be given at least twenty-four (24) hours before such meeting is to be held. Such notice shall be posted in accordance with subsection (a) hereof. In addition, notification of any special meetings of public bodies of the City shall be given to any news media requesting such notification twenty-four (24) hours prior to the time of the meeting. This notification shall include the time, place and purpose of the special meeting.
(Ord. 106-2021. Passed 8-2-21.)
(c) Emergency Meetings. In the event of an emergency meeting, notice of such emergency meeting shall be communicated to the news media that have requested notification of the time, place and purpose of the emergency meeting and the time and place of such meeting shall be posted at the City Hall as soon as the time for the emergency meeting is set.
(Ord. 105-1986. Passed 11-3-86.)
(a) Any person, organization or group of persons is entitled to mail notice of the calendar of monthly meetings. To obtain this notice, such persons are required to fill out a form provided by the Clerk of Council for such purposes and provide a self-addressed stamped envelope for the number of calendars requested or pay a fee of fifty cents ($.50) per calendar requested.
(b) Any requesting person, organization or group of persons shall receive advance notice of all meetings at which any specific type of business will be discussed and/or acted upon. To obtain this notice, such persons are required to fill out a form provided by the Clerk of Council for such purposes and provide a self-addressed stamped envelope for the number of notifications requested, or pay a fee of fifty cents ($.50) per notification.
(Ord. 105-1986. Passed 11-3-86.)